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Serbian-Jewish singing society - concert "Music writes memories"

dc.contributorWeinberger Pavlović, Marlena
dc.description.abstractSrpsko-jevrejsko pevačko društvo održalo je u utorak 23. februara 2021. godine od 20 časova, onlajn koncert "Muzika piše sećanja", koji je bio posvećen Međunarodnom danu sećanja na Holokaust. Program koncerta bio je kolažnog tipa - duhovne, tradicionalne i moderne kompozicije. One su oslikavale vreme uoči Drugog svetskog rata (Hava Nagila, Adio kerida, Mansarda mali stan…), odvoženja u smrt (Dona, Dona), ratnu destrukciju (Gori...), tugu logora (Tužna pesma...), otpor (Pesma jevrejskih partizana...), sećanje (Tebe pojem…, Ldor VaDor), nadu i ljubav (Rodna zemljo, Jerusalim od zlata…), ali su izvođene i čuvene kompozicije Leonarda Koena "Dance with me to the end of love", "Hallelujah", "Trains of no return" Ofra Haze, tema iz filma Šindlerova lista. Pored pevača hora Srpsko- jevrejskog pevačkog društva na koncertu su učestvali i mladi muzičari: Mladen Pecović - gitara, Luka Lopičić - harmonika, Anja Ovaskainen - violina uz klavirsku pratnju Uki Ovaskainena, Dušan Petrović - perkusije, Milan Savić - saksofon, Đorđe Perović - klavir i dirigentica Bojana Radivojević.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Serbian-Jewish Singing Society held an online concert "Music Writes Memories" on Tuesday, February 23, 2021, at 8 pm, which was dedicated to the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The program of the concert was of the collage type - spiritual, traditional and modern compositions. They presented the time before the Second World War (Hava Nagila, Adio kerida, Mansarda mali stan …), taking to death (Dona, Dona), war destruction (Gori ...), the sadness of the camp (Sad song ...), resistance (Pesma jevrejskih partizana ...), memory (Tebe pojem…, Ldor VaDor), hope and love (Rodna zemljo, Jerusalem od zlata…). Leonard Cohen's famous compositions "Dance with me to the end of love", "Hallelujah", Ofra Haza's "Trains of no return" and a theme from the film Schindler's list were also performed. In addition to the choir of the Serbian-Jewish singing society, the concert was attended by young musicians: Mladen Pecović - guitar, Luka Lopičić - accordion, Anja Ovaskainen - violin with piano accompaniment by Uki Ovaskainen, Dušan Petrović - percussion, Milan Savić - saxophone, Djordje Perović - piano and conductor Bojana Radivojević.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : M. Weinberger Pavlovićsr
dc.subjectSrpsko-jevrejsko pevačko društvo - koncertisr
dc.subjectSerbian-Jewish singing society - concertssr
dc.subjectMuzika piše sećanja - koncert (2021)sr
dc.subjectMusic writes memories - concert (2021)sr
dc.titleSrpsko-jevrejsko pevačko društvo - koncert "Muzika piše sećanja"sr
dc.titleSerbian-Jewish singing society - concert "Music writes memories"sr
dcterms.abstractСрпско-јеврејско певачко друштво - концерт "Музика пише сећања"; Српско-јеврејско певачко друштво - концерт "Музика пише сећања";
dcterms.abstractСрпско-јеврејско певачко друштво - концерт "Музика пише сећања"; Српско-јеврејско певачко друштво - концерт "Музика пише сећања";
dc.rights.holderSrpsko-jevrejsko pevačko društvosr
dc.description.otherKoncert je održan uz podršku Ambasade Nemačke, Austrijskog kulturnog foruma, Gradske opštine "Stari grad" i kompanije "Informatika" (the concert was held with the support of the Embassy of Germany, the Austrian Cultural Forum, the city municipality "Stari Grad" and the company "Informatika").sr
dc.description.otherTrajanje 1:27:31 minuta (duration 1:27:31 minutes).
dc.description.otherKoncert je snimljen u UK "Vlada Divljan", Beograd (the concert was recorded in the UK "Vlada Divljan", Belgrade).
dc.description.otherYouTube link: []

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