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Aaron Cohen

dc.creatorJorjo, Tadić
dc.description.abstractZa vrijeme procesa protiv Izaka Ješuruna i progona Jevreja u vezi s time, dubrovačku jevrejsku sinagogu vodio je rabin Aron Koen. Njegova porodica potiče iz Firence, a on se rodio u Dubrovniku, gdje je cijeloga života ostao i djelovao kao svećenik i kao trgovac. U svom djelu Bibliotheca Ragusina, I sv. (Dubrovnik 1740), u kojem opisuje živote svih Dubrovčana koji su se u bilo čemu istakli, dubrovački historiograf fra Serafin Crijević (Cerva), donosi i biografiju Arona Koena. Prema tome, dominikanac fra Serafin Crijević postavlja i Jevrejina Arona Koena uz one velike i slavne Ijude koje je stari Dubrovnik dao. Osjećajući da bi mu neko mogao zamjeriti što tako radi, Crijević, koji se u svojim djelima uvijek ističe velikom objektivnošću, širinom pogleda i dubokim znanjem, odmah u početku Aronove biografije kao da traži izivinjenje što među toliko svećenika i kršćanskih pisaca uvodi i jednog Jevrejina. Ali poštivajući rad ovog rabina i njegovu slavu i autoritet koji je u XVII v. uživao u svojem narodu i među književnicima, naročito kod talijanskih Jevreja, Crijević donosi biografiju ovog uglednog Dubrovčanina, iako nije bio kršć
dc.description.abstractAaron Cohen was the rabbi of Dubrovnik where he was born at the end of the 16th century. His father's name was David Cohen and his mother was Reina, daughter of the rabbi Salomon Oëf. His grandfather Oëf was his first teacher to whom he expressed always great gratitude; he was later replaced by the rabbi and merchant Perahia Formon, an excellent expert and official interpreter of Hebraic language. Aaron studied at the "Scuola levantina" in Venice, where he distinguished himself by his sermons and his vast knowledge. He wrote the commentaries on the same chapters of the Bible as Salomon Oëf. Thus the common work of the grandfather and the grandson makes a whole and was published in a volume. Aaron Cohen carried on also trade, unfortunately as he himself said because it obliged him to give up his plans to devote himself to the science only. His associates in the commerce were his brother Eleazar and Samuel Maestro. Their business was the greatest of all Jewish trading firms in the period we are dealing with this book. They had dealings with all the trading centres of the Balkan Peninsula, particularly with Sarajevo (where Eleazar had settled down for some time), further with Sofia, Belgrade and with Italy. At the time of the trial against Yechouroun, Aaron Cohen and his father were arrested. After that period Aaron and the members of his family were among those few Jewish families which remained at Dubrovnik. He wrote, in Hebrew, an account of this Trial, as well as a thanksgiving hymn to God for the salvation of Yechouroun and of other Jews of Dubrovnik. He died in March 1656. Before his death, he made his last will in which he asked, among other things, his work to be published together with his grandfather’s and to distribute, from 800 printed copies, 600 in Constantinople, Salonki, Rome, Sofia, Ancona, Amsterdam, Jerusalem, in Italy and in German countries. He ordered also a yearly aid to be sent to Talmud -Torahs of Safed and Jerusalem. Aaron Cohen was the most remarkable among the Jews of the period dealt with in this book.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceZbornik 1 : Studije i građa o Jevrejima Dubrovnika, Jevrejski istorijski muzej - Beograd = Jewish studies 1 : Studies and documents about Jews in Dubrovnik, Jewish historical museum - Belgradesr
dc.subjectAron Koen, pisac, rabinsr
dc.subjectAron Cohen, writer, rabbisr
dc.titleAron Koensr
dc.titleAaron Cohensr
dcterms.abstractЈорјо, Тадић; Aарон Цохен; Aарон Цохен; Aрон Коен; Aрон Коен;
dcterms.abstractЈорјо, Тадић; Aарон Цохен; Aарон Цохен; Aрон Коен; Aрон Коен;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr

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