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New megila: new permanent exhibition of Jewish Historical Museum in Belgrade

dc.contributorDaković, Nevena
dc.contributorMevorah, Vera
dc.creatorRadovanović, Vojislava
dc.description.abstractJevrejski istorijski muzej u Beogradu predstavlja celovitu, po mnogo čemu jedinstvenu muzejsku ustanovu u Srbiji, a bio je to i u nekadašnjoj Jugoslaviji. To je jedini jevrejski muzej u našoj zemlji, tematski specijalizovan, a sadržajno veoma kompleksan. Osim muzejskog materijala, Muzej ima sopstveni, srazmerno veliki arhiv, čija dokumentacija i foto-dokumentacija svedoče kako o Holokaustu, u kojem su mnoge jevrejske opštine nestale, tako i o životu i aktivnostima jevrejskih zajednica sa teritorije cele bivše Jugoslavije u periodima pre i posle Drugog svetskog rata
dc.description.abstractAfter the disintegration of Yugoslavia in 1992, the Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbia was established. The status of the Jewish Historical Museum remained unchanged - it is an integral part of it. Although existing within the framework of the Federation, the Museum developed into an institution with its own specific life. Since the permanent exhibition of the Museum was opened, long before the disintegration of Yugoslavia, it deals with the historical, ethnological and general cultural topics relevant to the Jewry of the overall then Yugoslav region. Despite all the financial barriers, it's time for us to do everything we can to change the permanent museum exhibition. This study has been dedicated to this plan. The new concept of the permanent exhibition as the author sees it combines some of the previous solutions with a new approach in presenting Jewish history, culture, and tradition in the light of historical changes and new technologies. In short, thematically, the Yugoslav Jewry is not neglected, but Jewish Serbia stands out. This paper presents the segment of the new permanent exhibition about the Holocaust and the National Liberation War.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Jevrejski istorijski muzej Savez jevrejskih opština Srbijesr
dc.sourceGraničnici sećanja: jevrejsko nasleđe i Holokaustsr
dc.subjectJevrejski istorijski muzej (Beograd)sr
dc.subjectJewish Historical Museum (Belgrade)sr
dc.subjectHolocaust - stalna izložbena postavkasr
dc.subjectHolocaust - permanent exibitionsr
dc.titleNova megila: koncept nove stalne postavke Jevrejskog istorijskog muzejasr
dc.titleNew megila: new permanent exhibition of Jewish Historical Museum in Belgradeen
dcterms.abstractРадовановић, Војислава; Нова мегила: концепт нове сталне поставке Јеврејског историјског музеја; Нова мегила: концепт нове сталне поставке Јеврејског историјског музеја;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities in Serbiasr



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