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Yearbook of the Krizevci Jews

dc.creatorMilosavljević, Rade
dc.description.abstractUoči oluje 1941. godine, križevački Jevreji su instiktivno osetili šta ih čeka. Uostalom, rat je počeo još 1939. godine i oni su imali pouzdane informacije. Prva naredba gradskog načelnika, od 11. aprila, već je ukazivala na nacionalnu netrpeljivost. Njome su bili pozvani svi Srbi i Židovi da odmah predaju oružje, radio-aparate, bicikle, dvoglede i foto-aparate. Istoga dana usledila je naredba o prisilnom radu Jevreja i Jevrejki, koja je odmah sprovedena u delo. Jevreji su pod prisilom čistili vagone, klozete, ulice i sajmište. Među njima je bilo i staraca. Treća poglavareva naredba propisivala je da Jevreji istoga dana do podne sakupe i uplate 244.000 dinara. Zatim su, 20. maja, Srbi i Jevreji pozvani da predaju svo zlato koje imaju. Jevrejima je potom zabranjeno pohađanje javnih lokala, priredbi, šetališta, a na tržnicu su mogli samo u određeno vreme. Najzad su ih obeležili znakom "Ž”. Iz sinagoge su orgulje i klupe ukradene i prenesene u crkvu Sv. Križa. Uskoro su preostali Jevreji oterani u logore. Hrvatski građani su sve ove sramne mere svojih vlasti prihvatili kao nešto što je normalno. Međutim, ono o čemu proteklih pola veka nije pisano to je postojanje specijalnog logora za Jevrejke u Gornjoj Rijeci, nedaleko od Križevaca. Posle primljenog naređenja iz Logora Lobor-grad, tamošnji zapovednik Karl Beger dovezao je u Gornju Rijeku kamione zatočenica jevrejske pripadnosti. Revnosne vlasti su doslovno bile napunile Lobor, gde se 8. novembra 1941. godine nalazilo čak 1.500 žena i dece. Zapovednik u oba logora bio je Karl Beger. Bio je to "kulturbundovac", časovničar iz Zagreba, pomagao mu je njegov brat Vilibald. Zatočenice Gornje Rijeke nisu bile samo žene "židovske rasne pripadnosti" već i drugih naroda. Što se Jevrejki tiče, uglavnom su svoj život završile u Aušvicu, premda se u ovom kontekstu spominje i Jadovno u
dc.description.abstractOn the eve of the storm of 1941, the Križevac Jews instinctively felt what awaited them. The war started in 1939 and they had reliable information. The city mayor's first order, dated April 11, already indicated national intolerance, it called on all Serbs and Jews to surrender weapons, radios, bicycles, binoculars, and photo cameras immediately. The same day was followed by an order for the forced labor of Jews, men, and women, which was immediately put into action. The Jews were forcibly cleaning the wagons, the closets, the streets and the fairgrounds. There were old people among them. The third order for Jews was to collect and pay 244,000 dinars by noon the same day. Then, on May 20, Serbs and Jews were invited to hand over all the gold they had. Jews were then prohibited from attending public venues, events, boardwalks, and were only allowed to enter the market at certain times. Finally, they were marked with a "Ž" sign. Organs and benches were stolen from the synagogue and transferred to the church "Sveti križ". Soon the remaining Jews were expelled to the camps. Croatian citizens accepted all these shameful measures by their authorities as normal. What has not been written about for the past half a century is the existence of a special camp for Jews in Gornja Rijeka, not far from Križevci. After receiving orders from Lobor-grad camp, commander Karl Beger brought trucks in Gornja Rijeka to detainees of Jewish women. The zealous authorities literally laded the Lobor, whereas many as 1,500 women and children were found on November 8, 1941. The commander in both camps was Karl Beger. He was a member of "culturbund", a watchmaker from Zagreb, assisted by his brother Vilibald. Captives from Gornja Rijeka were not only women of "Jewish racial origin" but also of other nations. As for the Jews, they mostly ended their lives in Auschwitz, although Jadovno in Lika is also mentioned in this context.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1971/96 [Jewish Almanac]sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Križevci (1941)sr
dc.subjectLogor Gornja Rijeka (Hrvatska)sr
dc.subjectJevrejke - Holokaustsr
dc.subjectJews - Križevci (1941)sr
dc.subjectCamp Gornja Rijeka (Croatia)sr
dc.subjectJewish women - Holocaustsr
dc.titleLetopis križevačkih Jevrejasr
dc.titleYearbook of the Krizevci Jewsen
dcterms.abstractМилосављевић, Раде; Летопис крижевачких Јевреја.
dcterms.abstractМилосављевић, Раде; Летопис крижевачких Јевреја; Летопис крижевачких Јевреја;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr
dc.description.otherStr. 239-244: Biografije istaknutih križevačkih

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