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dc.creatorPinto, Avram
dc.description.abstractBraco Poljokan bio je potomak stare ugledne banjalučke familije. Za vreme života njegovih roditelja trgovina se nije uzdizala iznad trgovine ćepenka, vašarskog nadvikivanja i pozivanja mušterija. Nošeni velikom ambicijom, poletom i sposobnošću, oni svoje radnje brzo modernizuju i daju im evropski izgled. Poljokani su nabavljali robu kod velikih trgovačkih firmi u Italiji, Austriji, Francuskoj i Carigradu. Oni unose u svoje radnje ono što su videli u velikim trgovačkim centrima Evrope. Njihove radnje bile su specijalističke, a ne svaštarske, roba ukusna i efektno izložena. Sposobni da pogode ukus kupaca, solidnim poslovanjem stekli su ugled poštenih trgovaca i stiču veliki imetak. Tako je stvorena sigurna osnova za školovanje mlađih članova porodice, među kojima je Braco najviše uspio. Dr Braco Poljokan završio je gimnaziju u Banja Luci. Studirao je prava u Gracu, Beču i Parizu. Doktorirao je na Sorboni, odbranivši tezu "Le Crime de Guerre". Kada se Braco vratio sa studija, otvorio je u Sarajevu advokatsku kancelariju. Ovo slobodno i neovisno zvanje jedino je odgovaralo njegovoj prirodi i budućem radu javnog radnika. Odmah se uključuje u javni društveno-politički život sarajevskih Jevreja. Zajedno sa dr Vitom Kajonom, dr Kalmijem Baruhom i drugima pokreće izdavanje "Jevrejskog života", docnije "Jevrejskog glasa" koji je izlazio sve do 15. aprila 1941. godine. Braco je bio ne samo glavni i odgovorni urednik ovih novina nego i jedini finansijer. Iako je ranije bio građanski političar, u sudbonosnim istorijskim trenucima povezuje se sa ljudima iz naprednog radničkog pokreta. Sarađuje sa raznim predstavnicima revolucionarnih pokreta i ove izdašno pomaže moralno i materijalno. Godine 1941. izbegao je u Split, a odatle otišao u partizane. Poginuo je kao borac za vrijeme desanta na Drvar.sr
dc.description.abstractBraco Poljokan was a descendant of an old prominent family from Banja Luka. During the life of his parents, the trade did not rise above the store of cardboard, fairground cheering and calling customers. They had great ambition, enthusiasm, and ability, and they quickly modernized their stores and give them a European look. Poljokan’s purchased goods from large trading companies in Italy, Austria, France, and Constantinople. They bring into their shops what they have seen in the large shopping centers in Europe. Their shops were specialized, not all-round, the goods tasty and effectively exhibited. Able to hit the taste of the customers, they have gained the reputation of honest traders with solid business and acquired great wealth. This created a secure base for the education of younger family members, among whom Braco succeeded the most. Dr. Braco Poljokan graduated at Banja Luka High School. He studied law in Graz, Vienna, and Paris. He received his Ph.D. at Sorbonne with a thesis "Le Crime de Guerre". When Braco returned from studies, he opened a law office in Sarajevo. This free and independent profession only matched his nature and the future work of the public worker. Immediately involved in the public socio-political life of Sarajevo Jews. Together with Dr. Vita Kajon, Dr. Kalmi Baruh, and others, he initiated the publication of "Jevrejski život" (Jewish Life) later the "Jevrejski glas" (Jewish Voice), which was published until April 15, 1941. Braco was not only the editor-in-chief of this newspaper but also the only financier. Although he was previously a civic politician, in fateful historical moments he connects with people from the progressive labor movement. He cooperates with various representatives of the revolutionary movements and generously aids the moral and material ones. In 1941 he escaped to Split and from there went to the Partisans. He died as a fighter during the attack on Drvar.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1965/67 [Jewish Almanac]sr
dc.subjectIsak Braco Poljokan (1897-1944), advokat, publicistasr
dc.titleDr Isak Braco Poljokansr
dcterms.abstractПинто, Aврам; Др Исак Брацо Пољокан; Др Исак Брацо Пољокан;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr



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