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The first Jewish patients at the Zakladna bolnica (Foundation hospital) in Zagreb

dc.creatorGlesinger, Lavoslav
dc.description.abstractBolnice prijašnjih vremena bitno su se razlikovale od naših današnjih bolnica. Ti stari hospitali, koji su se počeli osnivati već u srednjem vjeku posvuda po Evropi, nisu zapravo bili bolnice u današnjem smislu nego samo skloništa za bolesnike i nemoćne koji su onde našli utočište, hranu i negu, ali lečenju se nije posvećivala nikakva pažnja. Tako je nekad bilo svuda u svetu, a i stari zagrebački hospitali nisu u tom pogledu bili nikakva iznimka. Već 1357. godine spominje se u Zagrebu prvi hospital koji je verojatno postojao već u 18. stoljeću, a u 15. stoljeću bila su u Zagrebu čak četiri hospitala. Sredinom 17. stoljeća sagrađen je u Zagrebu glavni gradski hospital ispod Kamenitih vrata, ali ni taj hospital nema mnogo zajedničkog s današnjim bolnicama.sr
dc.description.abstractHospitals of earlier times were significantly different from our hospitals today. These old hospitals, which began to be established in the Middle Ages throughout Europe, were not really hospitals in the present sense, but merely shelters for the sick and infirm who found refuge, food and care there, but no attention was paid to treatment. It used to be everywhere in the world, and the old hospitals in Zagreb were no exception. In 1357, the first hospital was mentioned in Zagreb, which probably existed already in the 18th century, and in the 15th century, there were as many as four hospitals in Zagreb. A major city hospital was built in Zagreb in the mid-17th century below the Stone Gate, but even that hospital has little in common with today's hospitals.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1965/67 [Jewish Almanac]sr
dc.subjectJevreji - bolesnici, Zagreb (1804-1820)sr
dc.subjectJews - patients, Zagreb (1804-1820)sr
dc.subjectFoundation hospital (Zagreb)sr
dc.subjectZakladna bolnica (Zagreb)sr
dc.titlePrvi jevrejski bolesnici u Zakladnoj bolnici u Zagrebusr
dc.titleThe first Jewish patients at the Zakladna bolnica (Foundation hospital) in Zagreben
dcterms.abstractГлесингер, Лавослав; Први јеврејски болесници у Закладној болници у Загребу; Први јеврејски болесници у Закладној болници у Загребу;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr



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