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A changed nation

dc.contributorBramer, Hans
dc.creatorBen-Horin, Šalom
dc.description.abstractOtac novohebrejske lirike Hajim Nahman Bialik je 1904 godine, pod utiskom kišinjevskog pogroma, u kome je 6. aprila 1903. poginulo četrdeset i pet Jevreja, napisao svoju čuvenu pesmu "U gradu davljenja". Pjesnika nije pokrenula samo žalost za mrtvacima, poplava boli i nepravde. Više od svega toga njega je revoltirao kukavičluk vlastitog naroda. Kakva je to bila izgubljena gomila, to istočno Jevrejstvo na početku ovog stoljeća: tjelesno i moralno nerazvijeno, tupo i nepomično, nesposobno da se odbrani. Progonitelji četrdesetih godina, međutim, sukobili su se sa drugim tipom Jevreja. U varšavskom getu nije bilo samo mučenika, bilo je tu i heroja, koji su se do poslednjeg daha borili protiv mnogostruke neprijateljske premoći. Šta se dogodilo? Četrdeset godina cionizma izmenili su Jevrejina dijaspore.sr
dc.description.abstractThe father of New Hebrew lyricist Hajim Nahman Bialik, under the impression of the Chisinau pogrom in 1904, when forty-five Jews died on April 6, 1903, wrote his famous poem, "In the City of Slaughter". The poet was not only moved by grief for the dead, a flood of pain and injustice. More than anything, he was revolted by the cowardice of his own people. What a lost crowd this Eastern Jewry was at the beginning of this century: physically and morally underdeveloped, dull and motionless, unable to defend itself. The pursuers of the forties, however, clashed with another type of Jew. The Warsaw ghetto was not only martyrs, but there were also heroes, who, until the last breath, fought against multiple enemy power. What happened? Forty years of Zionism have changed the Jew from the diaspora.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1961/62 [Jewish Almanac]sr
dc.subjectJews - national characteristicssr
dc.subjectJevreji - nacionalne karakteristikesr
dc.subjectJevreji - nacijasr
dc.subjectJews - nationsr
dc.titleIzmjenjena nacijasr
dc.titleA changed nationen
dcterms.abstractБен-Хорин, Шалом; Измјењена нација; Измјењена нација;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr



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