Now showing items 1616-1635 of 1927

      The future of Holocaust remembrence: postmemory in "East-west street" by Philippe Sands [1]
      The future of religion with the Holocaust in the background - lessons that must not be forgotten [1]
      The Holocaust and theological dimensions of the psychedelic experience [1]
      The Holocaust in the memoirs of Grigorije Gliša Babović (1886-1961) [1]
      The Holocaust Record: The Second Generation [1]
      The Holocaust, European values and local history [1]
      The impact of the restitution on the preservation of cultural and architectural heritage and the urban development of modern Belgrade [1]
      The importance of ghetto fighting [1]
      The Jewish people and anti-Semitism (from the Middle Ages until 1918). Part 1 [1]
      The Jewish squadron of the first Yugoslav overseas brigade in Word War II [1]
      The Jews of Bilogora - victims of Croatian klerofascists and German Nazis from 1941 to 1945 [1]
      The journey on which I grew up [2]
      The kids are running away. From the history of Jewish refugee children during World War II [1]
      The last Jew in Šid: From Galicia, through the camp to Srem [1]
      The life and suffering of the Tajtacak family [1]
      The life of Jews during the occupation in the novel "Sarah's Key" by Tatiana de Rosnay [1]
      The life story of a Rabbi [1]
      The list of Jews and Jewish spouses who had by the order of the Military Commander of Serbia from may 30. 1941 submitted to Belgrade municipality the accounts on their assets [1]
      The live story of a Rabbi [1]
      The meaning (and consequences) of using a photograph of a Holocaust victim's body in a fashion magazine [1]