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Luminous characters

dc.creatorKamhi, Samuel
dc.description.abstractOkupacija Bosne i Hercegovine od strane Austrije bila je za bosanske Jevreje događaj od epohalnoga značaja. Austrija je vrlo energično i smišljeno počela da u Bosnu uvodi razne administrativne, privredne i političke mere koje su imale karakter dubokih reformi. U sprovođenju svojih planova nova vlast morala je da računa sa šarolikim sastavom stanovništva pokrajine u kojoj su izmešane živele razne nacionalnosti i vere. Članak je posvećen dr Samuelu Pintu i dr Avramu Baruhu. Bili su to veoma značajni bosanski Sefardi. Obojica su bili pravnici, ali je svaki od njih imao svoj vlastiti životni put, svoj posebni stil života. Pinto je među prvima počeo da sakuplja, sređuje i objavljuje podatke o zločinima počinjenim nad Jevrejima Bosne i Hercegovine. Isto tako, smatrao je svojim životnim zadatkom da istražuje istoriju Sefarda za vreme Turaka i da sakuplja njihovo folklorno blago koje je pre rata još bilo živo u svesti i pamćenju starijih generacija Sefarda. Radio je na tome da se popišu, srede i obrade narodne pesme, izreke i poslovice na ladino jeziku i da se fonografski registruju melodije romansi Sefarda. Avram Baruh je završio pravne studije na Bečkom univerzitetu i potom se vratio u Bosnu i radio kao sudija. Službovao je po raznim mestima Bosne i Hercegovine, a najviše u Sarajevu gde je postigao najviši stepen u svojoj struci: zvanje sudije Vrhovnog suda. Bio je odbornik glavnih jevrejskih institucija u Sarajevu, od kulturno-prosvetnih pa do politički obojenih i angažovanih. Po oslobođenju bio je prvi predsednik obnovljene Jevrejske opštine u Sarajevu i njen doživotni počasni predsednik.sr
dc.description.abstractAustria's occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina was an epoch-making event for Bosnian Jews. Austria started introducing very vigorously and deliberately various administrative, economic and political measures into Bosnia, which have been characterized by deep reforms. In implementing its plans, the new government had to take into account the diverse composition of the population of the province in which various nationalities and religions lived. The article is dedicated to Dr. Samuel Pinto and Dr. Avram Baruh. They were very significant Bosnian Sephardim. They were both lawyers, but each had its own life path, its own particular lifestyle. Pinto was among the first to start collecting, editing and publishing information on crimes committed against Jews in Bosnia and Herzegovina. He also considered it his life's task to investigate the history of the Sephardim during the Turks and to collect their folklore treasures that were still alive in the consciousness and memory of the older generations of Sephardim before the war. He worked on the recording, editing and processing folk songs, sayings and proverbs in Ladino, and phonographically recording the melodies of Sephardic romances. Avram Baruh completed his law studies at the University of Vienna and then returned to Bosnia and worked as a judge. He has served in various places in Bosnia and Herzegovina, most notably in Sarajevo, where he has attained the highest degree in his profession: the title of the judge of the Supreme Court. He was a councilor of the main Jewish institutions in Sarajevo, from cultural and educational to politically colored and engaged. Upon his release, he was the first president of the rebuilt Jewish Community in Sarajevo and its lifetime honorary president.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1959/60 [Jewish Almanac]sr
dc.subjectSamuel Pinto (1886-1957), pravniksr
dc.subjectAvram Baruh, pravniksr
dc.subjectSefardi - Bosna i Hercegovinasr
dc.titleSvijetli likovisr
dc.titleLuminous characterssr
dcterms.abstractКамхи, Самуел; Луминоус цхарацтерс; Луминоус цхарацтерс; Свијетли ликови; Свијетли ликови;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr



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