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Our youth in the vacation camp

dc.creatorŠtajner, Aleksandar Dov
dc.description.abstractUprkos strahovitog stradanja, uprkos ogromnih žrtava u borbi protiv neprijatelja, uprkos logorima smrti i dušegupkama nit života nije prekinuta. Krvavi genocid nije sasvirn uspeo. Jevrejska omladina je opet mogla nastaviti tradiciju zajedničkog letovanja i logorovanja. U jubilarnoj godini, desetoj od obnavljanja Saveza u oslobođenoj domovini, uloženi su ozbiljni napori za proširenje kulturne delatnosti i rad sa omladinom. Nastojalo se da se novi naraštaj upozna sa bogatim kulturnim nasleđem duge jevrejske istorije. Izvršni odbor Saveza smatrao je zajedničko letovanje i logorovanje omladine važnim činiocem za njeno bliže međusobno upoznavanje, fizičko oporavljanje i jačanje, za njeno kulturno napredovanje i za razvijanje jevrejske svesti. Letovanje je obuhvatilo 227 mladih iz svih većih jevrejskih opština naše
dc.description.abstractIn spite of the terrible suffering, despite the enormous victims in the fight against the enemy, despite the death camps the thread of life was not broken. The bloody genocide failed miserably. Jewish youth were once again able to continue the tradition of joint flight and camping. In the jubilee year, the tenth anniversary of the renewal of the Federation of Jewish Communities in the liberated homeland, serious efforts were made to expand cultural activities and work with youth. An effort was made to introduce the new generation to the rich cultural heritage of long Jewish history. The Federation Executive Committee considered common summer vacation and youth camps as an important factor for its closer mutual knowledge, physical recovery, and strengthening, for its cultural progression and for the development of Jewish consciousness. The vacation included 227 young people from all major Jewish municipalities in our country.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1955/56 [Jewish almanac]sr
dc.subjectjevrejska omladina - kampovi za letovanje (Jugoslavija)sr
dc.subjectJewish youth - vacation camps (Yugoslavia)sr
dc.titleLogorovanje naše omladinesr
dc.titleOur youth in the vacation campen
dcterms.abstractШтајнер, Aлександар Дов; Логоровање наше омладине; Логоровање наше омладине;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr

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