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dc.creatorBošković, Maja
dc.description.abstractIntimnom i toplom prikazu lika Magde Bošković, koji je s ljubavlju i opravdanim divljenjem dala njena mlađa sestra, redakcija je dodala još neke detaljnije podatke koji su interesantni za dopunjavanje njenog portreta. Magda se rodila 3. novembra 1914. godine u Osijeku, u građanskoj porodici, od roditelja koji su imali razumevanja za njen kultumi razvoj i, posle, za njenu političku delatnost. Osnovnu i srednju školu kao i Ekonomski fakultet završila je u Zagrebu. U višim razredima gimnazije prišla je cionističkom omladinskom pokretu, prvo kao član “Literarnih sastanaka”, posle “Hašomer hacaira”. U to vreme već se istakla svojim lirskim, iskrenim i nekonvencionalnim pesmama, od kojih se veći broj pojavio u omladinskim časopisima ”Mladost”, “Hanoar” i drugim. U tim pesmama Magda nije davala oduška samo svojim emocijama, nego je bila i govornik o dilemama i problemima svoje generacije i napredne omladine. U jevrejskim omladinskim krugovima bila je neobično voljena i cenjena a jednako tako i posle, među svojim partijskim drugovima. Pisala je katkad pod pseudonimom Noemi
dc.description.abstractTo the intimate and warm portrayal of the character Magda Bosković, who was lovingly and justifiably admired by her younger sister, the editorial staff added some more detailed information that is interesting to complement her portrait. Magda was born on November 3, 1914, in Osijek, into a civic family. Her parents had an understanding of her cultural development and, subsequently, of her political activities. She finished primary and secondary school as well as Faculty of Economics in Zagreb. In the upper grades of high school, she joined the Zionist youth movement, first as a member of the "Literary Meetings", after the "Hashomer Hacair". At that time she had already distinguished herself with her lyrical, sincere and unconventional songs, most of which appeared in the youth magazines Mladost, Hanoar, and others. In these songs, Magda not only vented her emotions, but she was also a talker about the dilemmas and problems of her generation and youth. In Jewish youth circles, she was unusually loved and respected, and so was later, among her party comrades. She wrote occasionally under the pseudonym Noemi Edomit.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceJevrejski almanah 1955/56 [Jewish almanac]sr
dc.subjectMagda Bošković (1914-1942)sr
dc.titleMagda Boškovićsr
dcterms.abstractБошковић, Маја; Магда Бошковић; Магда Бошковић;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr
dc.description.otherMagda Bošković je pisala i pod pseudonimom Noemi

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