Приказ резултата 139-158 од 691

      Hekeida: Journal for literature, art and culture [special edition] [1]
      Hekeida: list za književnost, umetnost i kulturu [posebno izdanje] [1]
      Historija Jevreja u Somboru [1]
      History of Jews in Sombor [1]
      History of the Jewish Hospital "Dr Singer Bernard" in Subotica [1]
      History of the Jews of Novi Sad: reproduction of the book by Mirko Rado and Josif Mayor[a] in the original edition of the Novi Sad "Hevra Kadisha" from 1930: supplemented by contributions from the history of the Jews of Novi Sad from 1919 to 1950. [1]
      History of the Jews of Sombor: on the occasion of the centenary of the existence of Chevra Kadisha [1]
      History of the Subotica Jews and their contribution to the development of the city - a short review [1]
      Holocaust on Kosovo-Metohija: Kosovska Mitrovica, a Case Study [1]
      Holokaust na Kosmetu - studija slučaja: Kosovska Mitrovica [1]
      Homeland [1]
      How the temple was built? (A shortened version of an article published in "Szombat" in 1925) [1]
      Hronika jevrejske opštine Banja Luka [1]
      Il Kal Grandi - Sarajevo's great Sephardic temple: at the crossroads between Orient and modernity [1]
      Il Kal Grandi - veliki sarajevski sefardski hram: na raskrsnici između Orijenta i modernosti [1]
      Illustrated bibliography of books dealing with Jews, published in Bosna-Hercegovina in the period 1820 to 2018 and of books dealing with the Jews of Bosnia-Herzegovina, published in other countries [1]
      Ilustrovana bibliografija knjiga o Jevrejima i jevrejstvu objavljenih u Bosni i Hercegovini od 1820 do 2018 godine: i knjiga o Jevrejima Bosne i Hercegovine, objavljenih van BiH [1]
      Imena i prezimena Židova Splita [1]
      Imenik subotičkih Jevreja žrtava fašističke okupacije 1941-1945 [1]
      Imiona Żydówek sefardyjskich w Sarajewie w latach 1905-1941 [1]