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The Holocaust Record: The Second Generation

dc.contributorRadoman, Vesna
dc.contributorPetrović, Nebojša
dc.contributorTeovanović, Predrag
dc.contributorRakić Glišić, Vida
dc.contributorBanjanin Đuričić, Nada
dc.contributorStojanović, Biljana
dc.creatorMarinković, Borka
dc.description.abstractPredmet ovog psihosocijalnog istraživanja (2017-2019) je utvrđivanje posledica koje je Holokaust ostavio na decu preživelih u kontekstu društveno-političkih okolnosti u kojima su oni rođeni i odrastali. U prvom takvom istraživanju na prostoru ex-Jugoslavije, učestvovalo je 55 ispitanika u rasponu godišta 1946-1961 rođeni i odrasli u Beogradu - Srbija. Metodologija se zasnivala na upitniku od 103 pitanja. Za potrebe istraživanja uvedena je nova odrednica Holokaust-odnos (HO), odnos ispitanika prema Holokaustu primarno dobijen od roditelja i drugih članova porodice, a zatim i od ostalih upliva. HO je baziran na 4 konstrukta: emocionalnom, ponašajnom, saznajnom i nesvesnom. Kvantitativnom obradom utvrđen je skor HO svakog ispitanika, a potom celog uzorka. Potvrđeno je 14 hipoteza od pretpostavljenih 23, dok su neke od nepotvrđenih predstavljale značajan istraživački rezultat. Materijal je, osim kvantitativno i kvalitativno obrađen: psihološki i socijalni aspekt. Rezultati čvrsto pokazuju da su roditelji svoje traumatično iskustvo Holokausta preneli na svoju decu ogledajući se na svesnom i nesvesnom nivou. Međutim, društvene situacije u socijalističkoj Jugoslaviji i specifičan položaj u okviru etničkih grupa i društvenih slojeva, dao je amortizujući efekat na prenesene traume kod ispitanika pokazujući njihovu dobru prilagođenost i fukcionisanje kako na ličnom i profesionalnom, tako u svakodnevnim društvenim okolnostima.sr
dc.description.abstractThe subject of this psychosocial research, conducted between 2017 and 2019 in Belgrade, Serbia was to determine and identify the consequences of the Holocaust's impact on the children of survivors concerning the socio-historical circumstances in which they were born and raised. A total of 55 participants born and raised in Belgrade, Serbia, between 1946 and 1961 took part in this pioneering research. The methodology was based on a questionnaire consisting of 103 tailored questions aiming to uncover the transmission of traumatic experiences specific to the environment in former Yugoslavia. To analyze findings comprehensively, the authors introduced a unique "Holocaust-Relatedness" (HR) model that supported the determination and understanding of multi-complex transmission intensity from the Holocaust survivors to their children. HR encompasses four dimensions: emotional, behavioural, cognitive, and unconscious, and each dimension has a unique value generated from qualitative analysis. In addition to quantitative analysis, the research includes in-depth qualitative insights into participants' psychological and social experiences associated with Holocaust traumas. The results strongly indicate that parents have transmitted their traumatic Holocaust experiences to their children, manifesting at both conscious and unconscious levels. However, the socio-political environment in socialist Yugoslavia and the specific position within ethnic groups and social strata have had a mitigating effect on the transmitted traumas in the participants, indicating their good adaptation to personal, professional, and everyday social life. The research set the foundation for continuing research in other regions and cities of the former Yugoslavia but also carved the path for further social studies involving the children of Holocaust survivors across Europe and the rest of the world.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Jevrejska opština Beogradsr
dc.subjectHolokaust - posledicesr
dc.subjectHolokaust - druga generacijasr
dc.subjectHolokaust - transgeneracijski prenossr
dc.subjectHolokaust - psihosocijalno istraživanjesr
dc.subjectHolocaust - consequencessr
dc.subjectHolocaust - second generationsr
dc.subjectHolocaust - transgenerational transmissionsr
dc.subjectHolocaust - psychosocial researchsr
dc.titleZapis Holokausta: Druga generacijasr
dc.titleThe Holocaust Record: The Second Generationsr
dc.description.otherSavez jevrejskih opština je na 65. nagradnom konkursu u kategoriji naučnog rada za ovu knjigu pod nazivom "Holokaust i transgeneracijski psihosocijalni aspekti" dodelio 2. nagradu (at the 65th award competition in the category of scientific work, the Association of Jewish Communities awarded the 2nd prize for this book entitled "Holocaust and Transgenerational Psychosocial Aspects").sr
dc.description.otherProjekat pod radnim nazivom "Kako je Holokaust uticao na decu preživelih" zaštićen je autorskim pravom JAA-Autorska agencija za Srbiju broj: 061/2018.



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