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dc.contributorWodziński, Marcin
dc.contributorKoch, Magdalena
dc.contributorTaczyńska, Katarzyna
dc.identifier.issn2450-0100 (online)
dc.description.abstractThis issue of „Studia Judaica“ is in several respects unique and, for this reason alone, exceptional. First, it transcends and thereby expands the journal’s existing profile by addressing issues related to Judaic studies in relation to the Balkan Peninsula, going beyond analyzes of Polish-Jewish contacts and focusing also on Sephardic studies. Second, it is devoted to Balkan Jewish women, to the study of their rather superficially researched and modestly described heritage, and focuses attention on interrelated aspects of this heritage from the perspective of both gender and memory studies. Third, the issue is intentionally entirely in English, because we wanted this exploratory issue of „Studia Judaica“, with its focus on cultural representations of Balkan Jewish women, to reach the widest possible group of researchers and help promote international discussion, providing a catalyst for further research, including comparative studies. As the guest editors of this thematic issue, we are grateful to the editor-in chief, Professor Marcin Wodziński, for his trust and for providing us with the opportunity to initiate this dialogue with Balkan studies concerning the study of gender and Jewish women in the Balkans on the pages of such a renowned journal. It is our hope that interest in this rarely addressed issue will only strengthen the rank and prestige of the subject, and will open up new research perspectives and expand current
dc.description.abstractOvaj broj „Studia Judaica“ je u nekoliko aspekata jedinstven i, samo zbog toga, izuzetan. Prvo, on prevazilazi i time proširuje postojeći profil časopisa baveći se pitanjima vezanim za judaističke studije u vezi sa Balkanskim poluostrvom, nadilazeći analize poljsko-jevrejskih kontakata i fokusirajući se takođe na sefardske studije. Drugo, posvećen je balkanskim Jevrejkama, proučavanju njihovog prilično površno istraženog i skromno opisanog nasleđa, i fokusira pažnju na međusobno povezane aspekte ovog nasleđa iz perspektive rodnih i studija sećanja. Treće, broje je namerno u potpunosti na engleskom, jer smo želeli da ovo istraživačko izdanje „Studia Judaica“ sa fokusom na kulturne reprezentacije balkanskih Jevrejki, dopre do najšire moguće grupe istraživača i pomogne u promovisanju međunarodne diskusije, pružajući stimulans za dalja istraživanja, uključujući komparativne studije. Kao gostujućim urednicima ovog tematskog broja, zahvaljujemo se glavnom i odgovornom uredniku, profesoru Marcinu Vodzinskom, na ukazanom poverenju i što nam je pružio priliku da pokrenemo ovaj dijalog u balkaniskim studijama o proučavanju roda i Jevrejki na Balkanu na stranicama tako renomiranog časopisa. Nadamo se da će interesovanje za ovo retko razmatrano pitanje samo ojačati rang i prestiž predmeta, te otvoriti nove istraživačke perspektive i proširiti postojeć
dc.publisherKraków : Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego (Jagiellonian University Press)sr
dc.titleStudia Judaicasr
dc.citation.issue1 (41)
dc.description.otherContent: Magdalena Koch and Katarzyna Taczynska "Strategies of survival: Balkan Jewish women and cultural representations of memory (Preface); Magdalena Koch "Lost-regained-revised: Laura Papo Bohoreta, Sephardic women in Bosnia, and transcultural survival strategies in memory"; Krinka Vidaković-Petrov "Memory mediation by first-and second-generation survivors: why they said nothing: mother and daughter on one and the same war by Magda Bošan Simin and Nevena Simin"; Dina Katan Ben-Zion "A symphony of unique voices: the literary testimony of Jewish women writers in post-World War II Yugoslavia"; Katarzyna Taczynska "A border biography: the image of the past in Eva Nahir Panić's memories as presented in Dane llić's Eva"; Sabina Giergiel "The saving narratives of Daša Drndić"; Adriana Kovacheva "The hidden conflicts with an unorthodox translator: Dora Gabe's contributions to the Jewish press in Bulgaria“; Yitzchak Kerem "Rachel (Rae) Dalven: an accomplished female Romaniote historian, translator and playwright“; Agata Rogos "Tailoring identities: displacement in the self-portrayals of Jewish women escaping to Albania"; Aleksandra Twardowska and Agnieszka August-Zarebska "The column Para noče de šabat as a local strategy of memory of the Judea-Spanish tradition".
dc.description.otherTema ovog broja: "Balkanske Jevrejke" (the topic of this issue: "Balkan Jewish women").



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