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Form, equipment and book cover of Jewish books

dc.creatorNedomački, Neda
dc.description.abstractJedna od osnovnih karakteristika jevrejskih knjiga jeste da još i danas važe mnogi propisi nastali u antičkoj jevrejskoj državi o materijalu za pisanje, obliku knjige, načinu pisanja, o čuvanju, opremi, rasturanju i čitanju knjiga, kao i o postupku sa oštećenim knjigama. To je tradicija duga preko 3000 godina. S obzirom da je u vreme nastajanja tih propisa isključivi oblik knjige kod Jevreja bio svitak, to su se i propisi o opremi odnosili samo na njih. U Starom Zavetu i u Talmudu se ne pominju jevrejske knjige u obliku kodeksa, sem što se na jednom mestu u Talmudu (Lam. R. 1, 14) pominje postojanje jednog teksta, tzv. pinkas, na 24 drvene ploče presvučene voskom. Jevrejski tekstovi dobili su oblik kodeksa krajem starog veka u jevrejskim zajednicama koje su živele u heleniziranoj sredini, u prvom redu u Egiptu pod Ptolomejevićima i Rimljanima, preuzimajući uticaje paganske okoline kako za oblik tako i za ukrašavanje i povez kodeksa, unoseći u to samo neke svoje osobenosti. Od V veka većina starozavetnih tekstova u privatnoj upotrebi, kao i delovi kasnih talmudskih tekstova, imali su oblik kodeksa. Za sinagogalnu upotrebu, a delimično i za učenje po školama i rabinskim akademijama, ostali su isključivo
dc.description.abstractOne of the basic characteristics of Jewish books is that many regulations created in the ancient Jewish state regarding writing material, book form, writing method, storage, equipment, breaking up and reading of books, as well as the procedure with damaged books, are still valid today. It is a tradition that is over 3000 years old. At the time of the making of those regulations, the exclusive form of book among the Jews was a scroll, the regulations on equipment applied only to them. In the Old Testament and in the Talmud no mention of Jewish books in the form of a codex, except that in one place in the Talmud, (Lam. R. 1, 14) the existence of one text is mentioned, the so-called Pinkas, on 24 wooden boards coated with wax. Jewish texts took the form of a codex at the end of the old century in Jewish communities that lived in a Hellenized environment, primarily in Egypt under the Ptolemies and the Romans, taking on the influences of the pagan environment as a form as well as for the decoration and binding of the codex, introducing only some of its peculiarities. From the 5th century, most Old Testament texts in private use, as well as parts of late Talmudic texts, took the form of a codex. Only the scrolls remained for synagogue use, and partly for learning in schools and rabbinical
dc.publisherBeograd : Muzej primenjene umetnostisr
dc.sourceZbornik Muzeja primenjene umetnostisr
dc.subjectjevrejske knjige - opremasr
dc.subjectJevrejske knjige - povezsr
dc.subjectjevrejske knjige - pismosr
dc.subjectJewish books - equipmentsr
dc.subjectJewish books - bindingsr
dc.subjectJewish books - lettersr
dc.titleOblik, oprema i povez jevrejskih knjigasr
dc.titleForm, equipment and book cover of Jewish bookssr
dc.description.otherPoseban otisak (separate).sr

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