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Week of remembrance for the suffering of Jews of Pirot "We have not forgotten you", March 2023.

dc.creatorĆirić, Jasna
dc.description.abstract7. marta 2023. godine u Galeriji “Čedomir Krstić” u Pirotu, otvorena je izložba "80 godina od stradanja pirotskih Jevreja", autora Predraga M. Vidanovića. Time je počela “Nedelja sećanja” na hapšenje, deportaciju i stradanje Jevreje u Pirotu, u organizaciji Gradske uprave Pirot, Udruženja istoričara Pirota, Istorijskog arhiva u Pirotu i Jevrejske opštine Niš. 10. marta 2023. godine, u celom pirotskom okrugu u svim osnovnim i srednjim školama, na početku prvog časa pročitan je kratak tekst o stradanju Jevreja u Pirotu. Tog dana u Svečanoj sali Gimnazije organizovane su edukativne radionice i predavanja na temu Holokausta i stradanja pirotskih Jevreja. 11. marta 2023. godine, održana je “Šetnja sećanja” učenika i građanstva od Sokolane Gimnazije Pirot do Železničke stanice, uz simbolično polaganje cveća na mesto odakle su deportovani pirotski Jevreji. Šetnju je predvodio gospodin Izrael Levi, rođen u Pirotu 1939. godine koga je od progona i stradanja spasio Piroćanac Ljuba Ljubenović. 13. marta 2023. godine u Velikoj sali Gradske uprave Pirot, održana je ceremonija dodele “Medalje pravednika među nacijama”.sr
dc.description.abstractOn March 7, 2023, in the "Čedomir Krstić" Gallery in Pirot, the exhibition "80 years of the suffering of the Jews of the Pirot", by Predrag M. Vidanović, was opened. This marked the beginning of the "Remembrance Week" for the arrest, deportation and suffering of the Jews in Pirot, organized by the City Administration of Pirot, the Association of Historians of Pirot, the Historical Archive in Pirot and the Jewish Municipality of Niš. On March 10, 2023, a short text about the suffering of the Jews in Pirot was read at the beginning of the first lesson in the entire Pirot district in all primary and secondary schools. On that day, educational workshops and lectures on the topic of the Holocaust and the suffering of the Jews of Pirot were organized in the High School's Ceremonial Hall. On March 11, 2023, a "Walk of Remembrance" was held by students and citizens from Sokolana Gymnasium Pirot to the Railway Station, with a symbolic putting of flowers at the place where the Jews of Pirot were deported. The walk was led by Mr Izrael Levi, born in Pirot in 1939, who was saved from persecution and suffering by Ljuba Ljubenović, a native of Pirot. On March 13, 2023, in the Great Hall of the City Administration of Pirot, the "Medal of the Righteous Among the Nations" awarding ceremony was held.sr
dc.publisherNiš : Jasna Ćirićsr
dc.subjectJevreji - Pirotsr
dc.subjectJews - Pirotsr
dc.subjectHolokaust - Pirotsr
dc.subjectHolocaust - Pirotsr
dc.titleNedelja sećanja na stradanje pirotskih Jevreja "Nismo vas zaboravili", mart 2023.sr
dc.titleWeek of remembrance for the suffering of Jews of Pirot "We have not forgotten you", March 2023.sr



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