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The suffering of Sarajevo's Jews under the Ustasha regime: excerpts from the report of Srećko Bujas, commissioner of the Jewish Community in Sarajevo

dc.contributorBujas, Srećko
dc.creatorPinto, Avram
dc.creatorPinto, David
dc.description.abstract“Široj javnosti nisu poznate činjenice oko stradanja sarajevskih Jevreja za vrijeme ustaške okupacije. Zato je Jevrejska opština u Sarajevu donijela odluku, da se izvodi iz izvještaja Srećka Bujasa štampaju. Rukovođena saznanjem, da su široj javnosti malo ili uopće nepoznata sva ona stravična zbivanja sa sarajevskim Jevrejima. Nepoznata su joj sva ona zlostavljanja, fizičke i duševne patnje, mučenja i poniženja, prije nego su bili upućivani u koncentracione logore. Svaki kontakt sa Jevrejima je bio zabranjen i nemoguć. Vlastodršci za svoja zlodjela nisu nikome odgovarali. Sila je proglašena kao osnova na kojoj je počivala pravda i na kojoj je bio sazdan sistem tadašnje vladavine. Život ljudi koji su stavljeni van zakona, teško je danas i zamisliti. Obilježeni žutim trakama, svatko je mogao s njima postupati kao sa divljim zvijerima. Sjećanja na ona vremena pomalo blijede, zaboravljaju se i izlaze iz pamćenja. To se međutim ne može dopustiti, jer nacifašisti postaju ponovo aktivni, dižu glave i pokušavaju da ponovo uskrsne fašističko doba. Nove generacije koje stasaju treba upoznati i informisati o tim potresnim zbivanjima i to na način, koji je osnovan na dokumentovanim činjenicama. One treba da dobiju što vjerodostojniju i istinitiju predstavu ondašnjih zbivanja u dokumentu koji prikazujemo, a on je autentična rekonstrukcija onoga vremena. Mlade generacije treba da izvuku pouku iz te strašne prošlosti, da im za budućnost bude memento: Graditi bolji i sretniji život za sve narode svijeta. Treba ljude bogatiti istinama i saznanjima o humanijem i slobodnijem svijetu. Stvarati među Ijudima i narodima mostove bratstva i ljubavi” (Predgovor).sr
dc.description.abstract"The general public is not aware of the facts of the suffering of Sarajevo's Jews during the Ustasha occupation. That's why the Jewish Community in Sarajevo made the decision to publish the report of Srećko Bujas, guided by the fact that the general public is not aware of all the terrible events that happened to the Jews of Sarajevo. All abuses, physical and mental suffering, torture and humiliation were unknown before they were sent to concentration camps. Any contact with Jews was forbidden and impossible. The autocrats did not answer to anyone for their crimes. Force was proclaimed as the basis on which justice rested and on which the system of government at that time was built. The life of people who were outlawed is hard to imagine today. Marked with yellow bands, anyone could treat them like wild animals. Memories of those times fade a little and are forgotten. However, this cannot be allowed, because the Nazis are becoming active again and are trying to resurrect the fascist era. New generations that are growing up should be introduced to and informed about these shocking events in a way that is based on documented facts. They should get as credible and true a representation of the events of that time as possible in the document that we are showing, and it is an authentic reconstruction of that time. Young generations should learn a lesson from that terrible past so that it will be a memento for the future: Build a better and happier life for all the people of the world. People should be enriched with truths and knowledge about a more humane and free world. To create bridges of brotherhood and love between people and nations" (Preface).sr
dc.publisherSarajevo : Jevrejska opštinasr
dc.subjectJevreji - Sarajevosr
dc.subjectJews - Sarajevosr
dc.subjectHolokaust - Sarajevosr
dc.subjectHolocaust - Sarajevosr
dc.subjectJevreji - ustaški režim (Sarajevo)sr
dc.subjectJews - Ustasha regime (Sarajevo)sr
dc.subjectBujas, Srećko - svedočenjesr
dc.subjectBujas, Srećko - testimonysr
dc.titleStradanje sarajevskih Jevreja pod ustaškim režimom: izvodi iz izvještaja Srećka Bujasa, povjerenika Jevrejske opštine u Sarajevusr
dc.titleThe suffering of Sarajevo's Jews under the Ustasha regime: excerpts from the report of Srećko Bujas, commissioner of the Jewish Community in Sarajevosr



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