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Being a Jew: Jean d’Ormesson’s "Wandering Jew story"

dc.contributorMelić, Katarina
dc.contributorNešić Pavković, Milena
dc.contributorBošković, Dragan
dc.creatorKarić, Milica, M.
dc.description.abstractBiti Jevrejin bilo je teško kroz čitavu istoriju, jer je pripadnost toj grupi oduvek nosila u isto vreme teško breme, ali i ponos. Od vremena praotaca i izlaska iz Egipta, Jevreji bivaju odabrani od Boga pa samim tim i obeleženi svojim blagoslovom koji ponekad izgleda kao prokletstvo. Od Isusovog stradanja njihova se situacija trajno pogoršava u okvirima hrišćanske katoličke Evrope koja je kao glavne krivce za njegovu smrt označila upravo Jevreje jer ih je i sam Isus na određeni način prokleo i osudio na besmrtnost kroz večno lutanje. Roman “Priča o Jevrejinu lutalici” (“Histoire du Juif errant”, 1991) francuskog pisca Žana d’Ormesona (Jean d’Ormesson) priča je o svetu, istoriji, čoveku koji pokušava da pronađe svoje mesto u istom tom svetu i istoj toj istoriji koja se neminovno i neprekidno ponavlja u svom laganom toku. Cilj rada jeste da sagleda kako se istorija i fikcija nadopunjuju u ovoj istoriografskoj metafikciji, kako se uz pomoć književnosti istorija približava čitaocima i istovremeno kako književnost obogaćuje svoj narativni opseg. U radu se koriste istorijska i analitička metoda uz pomoć kojih analiziramo različite istorijske aspekte ove fiktivne priče.sr
dc.description.abstractIt was hard to be Jewish throughout the whole history of their existence because this origin meant both a heavy historical burden as well as pride. From the times of the patriarchs and Exodus, the Jewish people had been chosen by God and thus marked with the blessing which often seemed a curse and damnation. From Christ's death on the Cross, their situation has permanently deteriorated in frames of Catholic Europe because they were marked as murderers of Christ who had cursed them himself and sentenced them to immortality through eternal wandering. This legend is central to the novel “Priča o Jevrejinu lutalici” (“Histoire du Juif errant” 1991) by the French writer Jean d’Ormesson. It is a story about the world as we know it, history, the cursed man who has been trying to find his place in that same world and that same repeating history in its slow flow. The aim of this paper is to investigate the ways in which history and fiction intertwine in this historiographic metafiction, the ways in which literature approximates history to the readers and how the literature enriches its own framework. The methods that are used to analyze different historical aspects of the narrative are historical and analytical.sr
dc.publisherKragujevac : Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.sourceHolokaust, sećanje, kultura. 1sr
dc.subjectistorija - fikcijasr
dc.subjectistoriogafska metafikcijasr
dc.subjectvečno lutanjesr
dc.subjecthistory - fictionsr
dc.subjecthistoriographic metafictionsr
dc.subjecteternal wanderingsr
dc.titleBiti Jevrejin: “Priča Jevrejina lutalice” Žana d’Ormesonasr
dc.titleBeing a Jew: Jean d’Ormesson’s "Wandering Jew story"sr



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