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Anti-Semitism in "The Journal" by Elena Berr

dc.contributorMelić, Katarina
dc.contributorNešić Pavković, Milena
dc.contributorBošković, Dragan
dc.creatorVučković, Dragana M.
dc.description.abstractPredmet našeg rada jeste antisemitizam u delu “Dnevnik” Elene Ber. Kako bismo ispunili naš cilj i utvrdili na koji način je zagovaran i sprovođen antisemitizam u ovom delu, najpre dajemo pregled zakona i antijevrejskih mera koji su doneti u Nemačkoj i Francuskoj u XX veku. Uz njihovu pomoć nacisti su na čelu sa Adolfom Hitlerom u Nemačkoj i vlada iz Višija na čelu sa Maršalom Filipom Petenom u Francuskoj ograničavale i oduzimale slobodu i prava Jevrejima, da bi ih potom hapsili i odvodili u logore, gde je najveći broj ljudi tu ostao do smrti. Tragičnu sudbinu doživela je i mlada studentkinja anglistike, Elena Ber, koja je tokom Drugog svetskog rata pisala svoj dnevnik i beležila detaljno sve mere i sve represalije sprovođene nad Jevrejima u okupiranoj Francukoj. Stoga je ovaj lični dokument istovremeno i vredno istorijsko svedočanstvo, na osnovu kojeg dolazimo do tačnih i preciznih podataka o prisutnosti antisemitizma u Francuskoj u periodu rata, koji ujedno predstavljaju i rezultate našeg rada. Zaključak do kojeg smo došli upoređujući antisemitske mere u Nemačkoj i Francuskoj, a uz pomoć podataka iz “Dnevnika”, jeste taj da postoji podudarnost u izricanju mera u ove dve zemlje, te da su mere u Francuskoj sprovođene upravo po ugledu na mere u Nemačkoj. Takođe, u oba slučaja Jevreji su posmatrani kao državni neprijatelji koje treba uništiti, tako da se mržnja, tj. antisemitizam, ispoljavala kroz najrazličitije vidove torture bez obrzira za uzrast i status Jevreja.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper focuses on antisemitism in the work "The Journal" by Elena Berr. Our aim is to determine the way antisemitism is advocated and conducted in this journal, so, first, we give an overview of the laws and anti-Jewish measures that were brought in Germany and France in the XX century. They served the Nazis led by Adolf Hitler in Germany and the Vichy government led by Marshal Philippe Petain in France to restrict and deprive Jews of their liberty and rights, then to arrest them and take them to concentration camps, where most people remained there until the death. A young English student, Helene Berr, also experienced a tragic fate. She wrote a diary during the Second World War and recorded in detail all the measures and every kind of tyranny carried out against Jews in occupied France. Therefore, this personal document is at the same time a valuable historical testimony, on the basis of which we arrive at accurate and precise data on the presence of anti-Semitism in France during the war, which also represents the results of our work. The conclusion we came to by comparing anti-Semitic measures in Germany and France, and with the help of data from "The Journal", is that there is a coincidence in the imposition of measures in these two countries and that the measures in France were carried out exactly in imitation of the measures in Germany. Also, in both cases, the Jews were seen as state enemies who needed to be destroyed, so hatred, i.e. anti-Semitism, manifested through various forms of torture, regardless of the age and status of the Jews.sr
dc.publisherKragujevac : Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.sourceHolokaust, sećanje, kultura. 1sr
dc.subjectantijevrejski zakonisr
dc.subjectantijevrejske meresr
dc.subjectDrugi svetski ratsr
dc.subjectElena Ber - "Dnevnik"sr
dc.subjectanti-Jewish lawssr
dc.subjectanti-Jewish measuressr
dc.subjectWorld War IIsr
dc.subjectElena Berr - "The Journal"sr
dc.titleAntisemitizam u delu “Dnevnik” Elene Bersr
dc.titleAnti-Semitism in "The Journal" by Elena Berrsr



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