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Danilo Kiš and investigative discourse: the Holocaust and Jewish identity in “Psalm 44”

dc.contributorMelić, Katarina
dc.contributorNešić Pavković, Milena
dc.contributorBošković, Dragan
dc.creatorKarić, Verka G.
dc.description.abstractPredmet rada jeste prikazivanje aspekata istražnog diskursa u delu Danila Kiša. Ovoj tematici pristupamo analizom jednog od Kišovih ranih romana “Psalam 44” (1962). Istražujući na koji način autor pristupa pitanju jevrejskog identiteta i Holokausta osvrnuli smo se kako na materijalne tako i na nematerijalne znakove unutar dela. S tim u vezi, u potrazi za znakovima glavni izvor biće sećanja junakinje Kišovog romana. Marijina rekonstrukcija proživljenog iskustva daje nam uvid u Kišovu zabrinutost za ljudsku prošlost koja nestaje. Stoga, njeno svedočanstvo o Holokaustu predstavljaće nematerijalni trag kolektivnog identiteta i doživljenog iskustva. U okviru toga ističe se značaj krvi kao znaka kolektiva čija je egzistencija ugrožena, fizički i psihički načini kažnjavanja kao i žigosanje kao način diferencijacije. Sa druge strane, njeno dete rođeno u logoru tumači se kao materijalni dokaz verodostojnosti svega što ne samo da su njegovi roditelji već i ceo narod doživeli. Osim toga, logor koji godinama kasnije postaje muzej predstavlja vrhunac Kišove težnje da se jedno traumatično iskustvo sačuva od zaborava.sr
dc.description.abstractThe subject of the paper is the presentation of aspects of investigative discourse in the work of Danilo Kiš. We approach this topic by analyzing one of Kiš's early novels, "Psalm 44" (1962). Investigating how the author approaches the issue of Jewish identity and the Holocaust, we looked at both material and immaterial signs within the work. In this regard, in the search for signs, the main source will be the memories of the heroine of Kish's novel. Maria's reconstruction of lived experience gives us insight into Kish's concern for the disappearing human past. Therefore, her testimony about the Holocaust will represent an intangible trace of collective identity and lived experience. Within this, the importance of blood as a sign of a collective whose existence is threatened, physical and psychological methods of punishment as well as branding as a way of differentiation is highlighted. On the other hand, her child born in the camp is interpreted as material proof of the credibility of everything that not only his parents but also the entire nation experienced. In addition, the camp, which years later became a museum, represents the culmination of Kish's desire to preserve a traumatic experience from oblivion.sr
dc.publisherKragujevac : Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.sourceHolokaust, sećanje, kultura. 1sr
dc.subjectDanilo Kiš - “Psalam 44”sr
dc.subjectistražni diskurssr
dc.subjectDanilo Kiš - "Psalm 44"sr
dc.subjectinvestigative discoursesr
dc.titleDanilo Kiš i istražni diskurs: Holokaust i jevrejski identitet u delu “Psalam 44”sr
dc.titleDanilo Kiš and investigative discourse: the Holocaust and Jewish identity in “Psalm 44”sr
dc.description.otherIstraživanje sprovedeno u radu finansiralo je Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije (Ugovor o realizaciji i finansiranju naučnoistraživačkog rada NIO u 2022. godini broj 451 -03-68/2022 14/ 200198).sr



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