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"Aryan paragraph" and theories of race in Serbia during the World War II

dc.contributorMelić, Katarina
dc.contributorNešić Pavković, Milena
dc.contributorBošković, Dragan
dc.creatorJocić, Gordana M.
dc.description.abstractNa osnovu građe Istorijskog arhiva Šumadije i na osnovu relevantnih srpskih izvora i literature u ovom preglednom radu prikazan je uporedni istorijat „Arijevskog paragrafa” i antisemitskih normativnih akata na teritoriji nacističke Nemačke i Srbije uoči i za vreme Drugog svetskog rata. U radu se, takođe, prikazuje i istorijat rasnih teorija na ovom području, te kako je došlo do toga da srpski intelektualci, bliski kolaboracionističkom režimu, Srbe smatraju „arijevskom rasom”. Pokazaće se da je kolaboracionistička državna administracija, pod pritiskom okupacionih snaga Nemačke, uvodila antisemitske zakone i druge propise, slične nemačkim antisemitskim zakonima i uredbama, poput Arijevskog sertifikata, kojima su inspirisani segregacija, progoni i ubistva Jevreja i Roma (Cigana) na tlu Srbije. Srpski civilni/kulturni plan nastao u okviru Ministarstva prosvete Vlade Milana Nedića u svom biološkom delu produkt je ideologije srpskih konzervativaca, desničara i nacional-šovinista koji su smatrali da Srbija mora da uredi svoj takozvani „biološki prostor” i da izvede „pažljivu zaštitu svoje krvi”. Po mišljenju nekih srpskih rasista, Srbi su superiorni u odnosu na druge narode koji su živeli na tlu Kraljevine.sr
dc.description.abstractBased on the material of the Historical Archive of Sumadija and on the basis of relevant Serbian sources and literature, this paper is a comparative history of the "Aryan paragraph" and anti-Semitic normative act, on the territory of Nazi Germany and Serbia before and during the Second World War. The paper also presents the history of racial theories in this area, and how it came about that Serbian intellectuals close to the collaborationist regime consider Serbs to be an "Aryan race" It will be shown that the collaborationist state administration, under pressure from the German occupation forces, introduced anti-Semitic laws and other regulations, similar to German anti-Semitic laws and regulations, such as the Aryan certificate, which inspired the segregation, persecution and murder of Jews and Romani (Gypsies) in Serbia. The Serbian civil/cultural plan created within the Ministry of Education of the government of Milan Nedic in its biological part is a product of the ideology of Serbian conservatives, rightists and national chauvinists who believed that Serbia must regulate its so-called "biological space" and perform "careful protection of its blood". In their opinion, Serbs are superior to other peoples who lived on the territory of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia because of their racial origins prone to statehood.sr
dc.publisherKragujevac : Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.sourceHolokaust, sećanje, kultura. 1sr
dc.subjectrasne teorijesr
dc.subjectArijevski paragrafsr
dc.subjectbiološki prostorsr
dc.subjectzaštita srpske krvisr
dc.subjectracial theoriessr
dc.subjectAryan paragraphsr
dc.subjectbiological spacesr
dc.subjectprotection of Serbian bloodsr
dc.title„Arijevski paragraf” i rasne teorije u Srbiji tokom Drugog svetskog ratasr
dc.title"Aryan paragraph" and theories of race in Serbia during the World War IIsr



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