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Two petitions: we are not giving up Jews - our neighbours

dc.contributorMelić, Katarina
dc.contributorNešić Pavković, Milena
dc.contributorBošković, Dragan
dc.creatorVujošević, Lela M.
dc.description.abstractPoložaj Jevreja u zemljama s većinskim srpskim stanovništvom, tokom 19. i početkom 20. veka, bio je pod uticajem različitih tendencija: od zalaganja za ravnopravnost, do protivjevrejskih ispada i antisemitskih zločina. Rad je usmeren na život Jevreja u Kragujevcu tokom 19. veka, sve do Drugog svetskog rata, koji karakteriše značajan stepen njihove kulturne asimilacije i društvene integracije. Opisan je njihov uticaj na privredni, kulturni i zdravstveni razvoj Kragujevca, kao i javno poštovanje i priznanje kojim su im Kragujevčani srpskog porekla uzvraćali. Okosnica rada jesu peticije za ostanak dvojice Jevreja u Kragujevcu (jedna je iz 19. veka, a druga iz prve polovine 20. veka), s tim što se povod prve peticije problematizuje i analizira u svetlu drugih istorijskih izvora. U javnom prostoru Kragujevca postoje obeležja koja svedoče o životu Jevreja, a buduće politike pamćenja trebalo bi usmeriti ka izgradnji aktivnih vidova memorijalizacije, kreativnih i empatičnih.sr
dc.description.abstractThe status of Jews in countries with the largest Serbia population, during the 19th and 201h centuries was under the influence of various tendencies: from commitment to equality to anti-Jewish outbursts and antisemitic crimes. The effort was directed towards the life of Jews in Kragujevac during the 19th century, all up to World War II, which characterizes a significant level of their cultural assimilation and social integration. Described is their influence on the economic, cultural and health development of Kragujevac, as is publicly displayed respect and recognition with which Kragujevac’s inhabitants of Serbia origin reciprocated. The core of die effort is petitioning for two Jews to stay in Kragujevac (one is from the 19th century, the other from the first half of the 20th century), with the fact that the cause of the first petition is problematized and analyzed in the light of newer historical sources. We also used scientific and specialized literature, and archive sources, as were digitized Kragujevac newspapers from the 1930-1941 period. The sociocultural milieu of Kragujevac has preserved the marks testifying about the presence and everyday lives of Jewish people in this city, hence, the establishment of the future concept of collective memory and remembrance policy should be directed towards shaping the active forms of memorialization, both creative and empathetic ones.sr
dc.publisherKragujevac : Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.sourceHolokaust, sećanje, kultura. 1sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Kragujevacsr
dc.subjectsrpska istoriografijasr
dc.subjectpolitike sećanjasr
dc.subjectJews - Kragujevacsr
dc.subjectSerbian historiographysr
dc.subjectpolitics of memorysr
dc.titleDve peticije: ne damo Jevreje - naše komšijesr
dc.titleTwo petitions: we are not giving up Jews - our neighbourssr



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