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To be silent or to speak: pedagogical aspects of the Holocaust-discourse

dc.contributorMelić, Katarina
dc.contributorNešić Pavković, Milena
dc.contributorBošković, Dragan
dc.creatorČebašek, Aleksandra V.
dc.description.abstractIdejna osnova rada jeste pokušaj sagledavanja Holokausta kao kulturološko-sociološko-pedagoškog fenomena kroz inovativno sagledavanja Holokausta ne samo kao istorijskog događaja već i kao diskursa koji u sebi sakriva i otkriva protivrečnosti i istine. U radu će biti date naznake šire i uže slike Holokausta kao zločina, narativa, događaja, diskursa, uz akcenat na domete moći, istorijskih, ideoloških, političkih, obrazovnih činilaca koji se mogu povezati sa temom Holokausta. Osim fokusa na obrazovanje o Holokaustu, važno je istaći kako je govor o Holokaustu potreban i moguć ne samo na školskim časovima već i kroz druge medijume, odnosno kroz različite vrste umetnosti - pogotovo kroz samu književnost. Posmatrajući kao celinu, holokaust-diskurs ukazuje na nemogućnost totalizujućih narativnih struktura, on vodi disperziji koja kao svoj temelj iznova postavlja pitanje o (jevrejskom) subjektu i istoriji kao takvoj zarad razotkrivanja nasilja nad celokupnim humanizmom. Njegova jedina pedagoška rehabilitacija krije se u govoru o neponovljivom zločinu i neponovljivosti zločina kao takvog.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper To be silent or to speak: pedagogical aspects of the holocaust-discourse focuses on the attempt to perceive the Holocaust as a cultural-sociological-pedagogical phenomenon through an innovative perception of the Holocaust not only as a historical event but also as a discourse that hides and reveals contradictions and truths. The paper will give indications of the Holocaust as a crime, narrative, event, and discourse, with an emphasis on the scope of power, and historical, ideological, political, and educational factors that can be connected with the topic of the Holocaust. Apart from the focus on education about the Holocaust, it is important to point out that talking about the Holocaust is necessary and possible not only in school classes but also through other media, that is, through different types of art - especially through literature itself. Viewed as a whole, the Holocaust-discourse points to the impossibility of totalizing narrative structures, it leads to a dispersion that, as its foundation, raises again the question of the (Jewish) subject and history as such for the sake of exposing violence on the whole of humanism. His pedagogical rehabilitation is hidden in the necessary speech about unrepeatable crime.sr
dc.publisherKragujevac : Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.sourceHolokaust, sećanje, kultura. 1sr
dc.subjectobrazovanje o Holokaustusr
dc.subjectHolokaust - pedagogijasr
dc.subjectHolokaust - govorsr
dc.subjectHolocaust educationsr
dc.subjectHolocaust - pedagogysr
dc.subjectHolocaust - speechsr
dc.titleĆutati ili govoriti: pedagoški aspekti Holokaust-diskursasr
dc.titleTo be silent or to speak: pedagogical aspects of the Holocaust-discoursesr
dc.description.otherIstraživanje sprovedeno u radu finansiralo je Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije (Ugovor o realizaciji i finansiranju naučnoistraživačkog rada NIO u 2022. godini broj 451 -03-68/2022 14/ 200198).sr



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