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Consequences of not recognizing the status of client in confiscation of property and/or compensation

dc.contributorSamardžić, Nikola
dc.creatorLilić, Stevan
dc.creatorPopović, Slobodanka
dc.identifier.issn1820-0869 (Limes plus)
dc.description.abstractU radu se analizira "Zakon o vraćanju oduzete imovine i obeštećenju Republike Srbije" iz 2011. godine i njegov uticaj na proces restitucije u Srbiji. Pomenutim Zakonom nisu precizno regulisane neke situacije sa oduzetom imovinom kada nije priznato svojstvo korisnika svim naslednicima bivšeg vlasnika oduzete imovine koji su podneli zahtev. U ostvarivanju cilja ovog Zakona, za obeštećenje licima kojima je učinjena nepravda oduzimanjem privatne imovine i to primenom državne sile, u ovom radu se ističe da na državi treba da bude teret dokazivanja prava na vraćanje imovine, a ne na građanima koji podnose zahtev. Imajući to u vidu, neophodne su izmene i dopune Zakona, tako što bi se izričito propisalo da u postupku restitucije oduzeta imovina zadržava svoju celovitost i posle smrti bivšeg vlasnika, zatim, tako što se oduzeta imovina mora vratiti, odnosno u celini isplatiti obeštećenje naslednicima koji su podneli zahtev ili im je priznato svojstvo korisnika.sr
dc.description.abstractThe Law on Returning of Confiscated Property and Compensation of the Republic of Serbia (2011) does not precisely stipulate certain cases of confiscation to persons who have not been granted the status of the client as inheritors of the former property owner who has submitted compensation requests. The goal of this Law is to render justice to persons whose property has been confiscated by repressive means of the state, the burden of proof on the return of the property should be on the state, and not on the citizen submitting the compensation request. Bearing this in mind, this Law needs to be amended to include precise stipulations stating that the property needs to be treated as a total entity following the death of the owner, in the sense that the property should be returned as a total entity, i.e. financially compensated in total to inheritors which have submitted compensation requests and who have been granted status of the client.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Hesperia edusr
dc.sourceLIMES plus: časopis za društvene i humanističke naukesr
dc.subjectZakon o vraćanju oduzete imovine i obeštećenju Republike Srbijesr
dc.subjectoduzeta imovinasr
dc.subjectAgencija za restituciju - Srbijasr
dc.subjectLaw on Returning of Confiscated Property and Compensation RSsr
dc.subjectconfiscated propertysr
dc.subjectAgency for Restitution - Srbijasr
dc.titlePosledice nepriznavanja svojstva korisnika oduzete imovine i/ili obeštećenjasr
dc.titleConsequences of not recognizing the status of client in confiscation of property and/or compensationsr



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