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Camp at Sajmište: testimonies of two prisoners

dc.creatorRistanović, Rade
dc.description.abstractKad je reč o koncentracionom logoru Zemun treba razlikovati dva perioda. U prvo vreme zvao se Jevrejski logor Zemun (Judenlager Semlin) i bio je mesto stradanja pripadnika jevrejske zajednice, u drugom prvenstveno stratište srpskog naroda kako iz Srbije tako i sa teritorije Nezavisne Države Hrvatske i nosio je ime Prihvatni logor Zemun (Anhaltelager Semlin). U Istorijskom arhivu Beograda u nekoliko fondova se čuva građa relevantna za istraživanje o tom logoru. Nažalost, znatan deo te građe nije u dovoljnoj meri iskorišćen. Ta činjenica nagnala nas je da sačinimo mali projekat objavljivanja svedočenja nekadašnjih zatočenika. Nismo bili u dilemi kad je reč o broju svedočenja, veći problem je predstavljao izbor dostupne i sačuvane građe nastale među pripadnicima strane koja je poražena u (srpskom) građanskom ratu. Naime, poznato je da je da su u drugom periodu postojanja logora na Sajmištu bili zatočeni pristalice i pripadnici Narodnooslobodilačkog i Ravnogorskog pokreta, kao i jedinica Milana Nedića. Nije poznato, doduše, čijih je pristalica bilo više, mada se može pretpostaviti da su brojniju populaciju zatočenika činili pripadnici komunističko-partizanskog pokreta, pa ova publikacija predstavlja rezultat saradnje od obostrane, kao i opšte koristi. Posle uvodne studije publikujemo dva svedočenja: jedno je svedočenje komuniste, to jest partizana (Mihailo Berberijan) a drugo četnika (čije ime i prezime i pored svih nastojanja nismo uspeli da utvrdimo). Nije na nama da ocenjujemo vrednost sadržaja, već to prepuštamo čitaocima.sr
dc.description.abstractIn the Zemun concentration camp, two periods should be distinguished. In the first period, it was the Jewish camp Zemun (Judenlager Semlin) and was the place of suffering for members of the Jewish community, in the second it was primarily a place of execution for Serbian people both from Serbia and from the territory of the Independent State of Croatia and it was renamed to Zemun concentration camp (Anhaltelager Semlin). In the Historical Archive of Belgrade, material relevant to research on that camp is stored in several funds. Unfortunately, a significant part of that material has not been used to a sufficient extent. That fact pushed us to create a small project of publishing the testimonies of former detainees. We were not in a dilemma when it came to the number of testimonies, the bigger problem was the selection of available and preserved materials created among the members of the side that was defeated in the (Serbian) civil war. Namely, it is known that during the second period of the existence of the camp at Sajmište, supporters and members of the National Liberation and Ravnogorsk movements, as well as Milan Nedić's unit, were detained. It is not known, however, whose supporters there were more, although it can be assumed that members of the communist-partisan movement made up the larger population of detainees, so this publication is the result of cooperation of mutual and general benefit. After the introductory study, we publish two testimonies: one is the testimony of a Communist, that is, a Partisan (Mihailo Berberian) and the other of a Chetnik (whose name and surname, despite all efforts, we have not been able to determine). It is not for us to judge the value of the content, we leave that to the readers.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Muzej žrtava genocidasr
dc.subjectStaro sajmište (koncentracioni logor) (Beograd) - 1941-1944sr
dc.subjectŽrtve rata - Staro sajmište (koncentracioni logor) - 1941-1944 - Istorijska građasr
dc.subjectStaro Sajmište (Old fairground), concentration camp (Belgrade) - 1941-1944sr
dc.subjectWar victims - Staro Sajmište (Old fairground), concentration camp - 1941-1944 - historical materialsr
dc.titleLogor na Sajmištu: svedočenja dvojice zatočenikasr
dc.titleCamp at Sajmište: testimonies of two prisonerssr
dc.description.otherBiblioteka Svedočanstva (Muzej žrtava genocida) ; knj. 6sr



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