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Reflection of the past and the (po)ethics of post-memory in the novels "The emigrants" by Winfried Georg Sebald, "Hourglass" by Danilo Kiš and "W, or the Memory of Childhood" by George Perek: doctoral dissertation

dc.contributor.advisorMelić, Katarina
dc.contributor.otherBošković, Dragan
dc.contributor.otherŽivković, Dušan
dc.contributor.otherValčić-Bulić, Tamara
dc.contributor.otherPetrović Jülich, Marina
dc.creatorNešić Pavković, Milena R.
dc.description.abstractOsnovni predmet rada "Refleksija prošlosti i (po)etika postmemorije" u romanima "Iseljenici" Vinfrida Georga Zebalda, "Peščanik" Danila Kiša i "V ili sećanje na detinjstvo" Žorža Pereka jeste ispitivanje načina na koji se pisci - pripadnici generacije postsećanja - Zebald, Kiš i Perek, u svojim romanima "Iseljenici", "Peščanik" i "V ili sećanje na detinjstvo" suočavaju s prošlošću i traumom Holokausta koji nisu direktno iskusili i kako autobiografska podloga izranja u izabranom korpusu uzimajući u obzir različite početne pozicije autora, jer je kod Kiša i Pereka reč o potomcima stradalih u koncentracionom logoru Aušvic, a kod Zebalda o potomku simpatizera i pripadnika nacističkog režima.U radu se primenjuje analitičko-sintetički metodološki pristup komparativnog i interdisciplinarnog karaktera, u koji su primarno uključene studije Holokausta i studije kulture - studije sećanja (memory studies), teorije postmodernizma u književnosti, pre svega one koje se odnose na istoriografsku metafikciju i postmemoriju. Rad se sastoji iz sedam poglavlja. U prva dva poglavlja rada razmatraju se načini na koji se prošlost reflektuje u sadašnjosti, da bi se u postmodernističkom duhu ukazalo na granice istorijskog diskursa prilikom predstavljanja prošlosti s ciljem da se otvori prostor za razvoj studija sećanja. U trećem poglavlju analizirani su pojmovi kolektivnog i kulturnog pamćenja s ciljem da se omogući razumevanje načina na koji funkcioniše postmemorija. Četvrti deo rada posvećen je analizi (po)etikepostmemorije, pod kojom se podrazumeva pre svega trans- i intrageneracijski prenos sećanja. Poslednja tri poglavlja rada posvećena su komparativnoj analizi izabranih romana u okviru teorijske postavke postmemorije, jer su životi izabranih pisaca i njihovih protagonista u romanima prožeti i determinisani istorijom, koju nisu direktno iskusili, a njihova poetika se bazira na promišljanju specifičnog doživljaja prošlosti koji se može označiti kao postmodernistički.sr
dc.description.abstractThe main subject of the work "The reflection of the past and (po)ethics of post-memory" in the novels "The Emigrants" by Winfried Georg Sebald, "Hourglass" by Danilo Kiš and "W, or the memory of Childhood" by Georges Perec is an examination of the way in which the writers –members of the post-memory generation - Sebald, Kiš and Perec, in their novels "The Emigrants" "Hourglass" and "W, or the Memory of Childhood" face the past and the trauma of the Holocaust which they did not experience directly, and how the autobiographical background emanates from the selected corpus taking into account the different starting positions of the authors, since Kiš and Perec are descendants of the victims in the concentration camp Auschwitz, while Sebald is the descendant of the sympathizer and a member of the Nazi regime. The paper uses the analytical-synthetic methodological approach of a comparative and interdisciplinary character, primarily involving Holocaust studies and culture studies - memory studies, theories of postmodernism in literature, and above all those related to historiographic metafiction and post-memory. The paper consists of seven chapters. The first two chapters deal with the ways in which the past is reflected in the present, in order to show in the postmodernist spirit the boundaries of historical discourse when presenting the past aiming to make room for the development of memory studies. In the third chapter, the concepts of collective and cultural memory are analyzed in order to enable an understanding of the way in which post-memory functions. The fourth part of the paper is devoted to the analysis of the (po)ethics of postmemory, which implies, in the first place, the trans- and intragenerational transmission of memories. The last three chapters are devoted to the comparative analysis of selected novels within the theoretical setting of post-memory because the lives of selected writers and their protagonists in the novels are permeated and defined by history which they have not directly experienced, and their poetics are based on the contemplation of a specific view of the past that can be marked as postmodernist.en
dc.publisherUniverzitet u Kragujevcu, Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.sourceUniverzitet u Kragujevcusr
dc.subjectistoriografska metafikcijasr
dc.subject(po)etika postmemorijesr
dc.subjecthistorical metafictionen
dc.subject(po)ethics of postmemoryen
dc.titleRefleksija prošlosti i (po)etika postmemorije u romanima "Iseljenici" Vinfrida Georga Zebalda, "Peščanik" Danila Kiša i "V ili sećanje na detinjstvo" Žorža Pereka: doktorska disertacijasr
dc.titleReflection of the past and the (po)ethics of post-memory in the novels "The emigrants" by Winfried Georg Sebald, "Hourglass" by Danilo Kiš and "W, or the Memory of Childhood" by George Perek: doctoral dissertation



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