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Memory: Stolpersteine (18.08.1941-18.08.2021): Deportation of the Jews of Banat

dc.creatorPopov, Ljiljana
dc.descriptionStolpersteine projekat podržala Republika Srbija, Autonomna pokrajina Vojvodina, Novi Sad (Stolpersteine project supported by Republic of Serbia, Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Novi Sad).
dc.description.abstractJevreja je u nekim mestima Banata bilo još u turskom periodu (1552- 1718), mada je naseljavanje novih grupa ili pojedinaca bilo znatno otežano. Najstarija zajednica je bila u Pančevu, gde su se Jevreji nalazili još od 1494. godine, a najveća u Velikom Bečkereku, gde su 1747. evidentirani novonaseljeni Jevreji sa stalnom boravišnom dozvolom Joakim Goldštajn i Mojsije Abraham. Nakon njih doseljavaju se i druge jevrejske porodice - njih tridesetak je 1790. oformilo versku opštinu. Tokom XIX veka njihova zajednica je postajala sve brojnija i bogatija. Ona je 1847. dobila svoju prvu bogomolju; na čijem je mestu 1896. podignuta nova i veća, rađena po nacrtima budimpeštanskog arhitekte Lipota Baumhorna. Religiozna zajednica, rabinat i škola osnovani su 1852. godine. Par godina kasnije (1858), osnovana je Jevrejska ženska dobrotvorna zadruga, koja je u narednom periodu delovala i van jevrejske opštine. Dobra organizacija unutar zajednice, rezultirala je njenim kontinuiranim razvojem, ali i razvojem samih njenih članova na različitim poljima. Oni su gradu dali veliki doprinos u zdravstvu, trgovini, industriji, kulturi i drugim oblastima materijalnog i duhovnog delovanjasr
dc.description.abstractThere were Jews in some places of Banat during the Turkish period (1552-1718), although the settlement of new groups or individuals was much more difficult. The oldest community was in Pančevo, where Jews had been since 1494, and the largest was in Veliki Bečkerek, where in 1747 the newly settled Jews with a permanent residence permit, Joakim Goldštejn and Mojsije Abraham, were registered. After them, other Jewish families immigrated - about thirty of them formed a religious community in 1790. During the 19th century, their community became more numerous and more prosperous. It got its first place of worship in 1847; on the site of which a new and larger one was built in 1896, made according to the plans of the Budapest architect Lipot Baumhorn. The religious community, rabbinate and school were founded in 1852. A few years later (1858), a Jewish women's charity cooperative was established, which in the following period also operated outside the Jewish community. Good organization within the community resulted in continuous development, but also in the development of its members themselves in various fields. They greatly contributed to the city in healthcare, trade, industry, culture and areas of material and spiritual activity.sr
dc.publisherZrenjanin : Jevrejska opština Zrenjaninsr
dc.subjectJevreji - Banat - deportacijasr
dc.subjectJews - Banat - deportationsr
dc.subjectKamen spoticanja
dc.titleSećanje: Kamen spoticanja (18.08.1941-18.08.2021): Deportacija Jevreja Banatasr
dc.titleMemory: Stolpersteine (18.08.1941-18.08.2021): Deportation of the Jews of Banatsr



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