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Numerus clausus 1940: decrees limiting the rights of Jews in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia: Doctoral dissertation

dc.contributorRanđelović, Nebojša
dc.contributorNikolić, Dragan
dc.contributorMirković, Zoran
dc.contributorĐorđević, Aleksandar
dc.creatorLazić, Željko V.
dc.description.abstractPrvi deo rada obuhvata uvodna razmatranja, teorijsko-metodološki okvir, problematizovanje teme, određivanje predmeta istraživanja i operacionalizaciju svih faza istraživanja, sa naučnim i praktičnim doprinosom, kao i deo disertacije koji obuhvata stvaranje države Južnih Slovena, društvenu strukturu zajedničke države, državnopravne odlike, pitanje izjednačavanja pravnih sistema, kao i političko-pravni sistem Kralјevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca i položaj Jevrejske zajednice u novoj državi. Drugi deo rada obuhvata društveno-istorijski položaj jevrejske zajednice na prostoru tadašnje Kneževine, zatim Kralјevine Srbije, sa istorijskim pregledom sociodemografskih karakteristika Jevrejske zajednice u Kralјevini Srbiji, pre i nakon Berlinskog kongresa 1878. godine, pre i nakon Balkanskih ratova i u Kralјevini SHS, kasnije Kralјevini Jugoslaviji, uz analizu socioreligijskog i ekonomskog položaja jevrejske zajednice. Treći deo doktorske disertacije ukazuje na uporednopravni pregled antisemitske legislative u Nemačkoj i u izabranim državama Evrope i okruženja. Četvrta celina obuhvata numerus 1940. godine u Kralјevini Jugoslaviji, kroz prethodnu analizu spolјnopolitičkih i međunarodnopravnih aspekata delovanja Kralјevine i približavanje Trojnom paktu, uticaj na Jevrejsku zajednicu uz teorijski osvrt na pravnu snagu i hijerarhiju pravnih akata u Kralјevini Jugoslaviji. Ukazuje se na Uredbu kao način vladanja, društvene prilike u vreme donošenja uredbi o ograničavanju prava Jevreja, kroz analizu sadržaja i pregled dnevnopolitičke štampe na temu položaja jevrejske zajednice u Kralјevini, za period 1939-1940. godine, kao i analizu incidenata usmerenih protiv jevrejske zajednice u periodu 1939-1940. godine. Peti i šesti deo disertacije analiziraju uticaj antijevrejske štampe u javnosti i pripremu javnosti na donošenje uredbi, analizu članaka i konačno donošenje Uredbe o upisu lica jevrejskog porekla za učenike Univerziteta, visokih škola u rangu univerziteta, viših, srednjih, učitelјskih i drugih stučnih škola i Uredbe o merama koje se odnose na Jevreje u pogledu obavlјanja radnji sa predmetima lјudske ishrane, uz analizu sadržaja Beogradske, Zagrebačke, Ljublјanske, Skoplјanske i Sarajevske dnevne štampe na donošenje Uredbi. Sedmo poglavlјe bavi se spolјnopolitičkim i unutrašnjepolitičkim odjecima ograničavajućih uredbi, pravnom primenom uredbi i društvenim posledicama uredbi. Završni deo disertacije obuhvata verifikaciju i rezultate istraživanja uz analizu društvenih posledica kroz sprovedeni ekspertski intervju i intervju sa savremenicima događaja 1940. godine, uz pogled sa istorijske distance, diskusiju i završna razmatranja.sr
dc.description.abstractThe first part of the dissertation, comprises the introductory sections, the theoretical and methodological framework, consideration of the topic, determining the object of research and operationalization of all phases of research, including the scientific and practical contribution. Besides that, this part of the dissertation includes an explanation of the process of creating the state of the South Slavs, its social structure of it, constitutional features, equalizing the legal system, as well as the political and legal system of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes (Kingdom of SCS) and the position of the Jewish community in the new state. The second part of the dissertation comprises the socio-historical position of the Jewish community in the Principality, and later in the Kingdom of Serbia, which includes a historical overview of the socio-demographic characteristics of the Jewish community in the Kingdom of Serbia, before and after the Berlin Congress in 1878, before and after the Balkan wars, as well as their position in the Kingdom of SCS, later Kingdom of Yugoslavia, with analyzing the socio-religious and economic situation of the Jewish community. The third part of the doctoral dissertation indicates the comparative review of anti-Semitic legislation in Germany and in selected European countries and regions. The fourth part includes Quota 1940 in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, through a preliminary analysis of foreign policy and international legal aspects of the functioning of the Kingdom and its convergence to the Trilateral pact, and its impact on the Jewish community with a theoretical overview of the legislation and the hierarchy of legal acts in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. Also, this part of the dissertation points to the Regulation as a way of governance, and social conditions at the time of the regulations on restricting the rights of Jews, through content analysis and review of daily press on the topic of the position of the Jewish community in the Kingdom for the period 1939 - 1940. Also, it includes the analysis of incidents against the Jewish community for the period 1939 - 1940. The fifth and sixth part of the dissertation analyzes the impact of the anti-Jewish press and the preparation of the public for the adoption of the regulation. It also analyzes the articles and the final adoption of the Regulation on the registration of persons of Jewish origin, as students of the University, high school rank universities, higher and secondary schools, teacher training, and other vocational schools. Also, this part explains the Regulation of measures relating to the Jews in regard to the cases of human nutrition, including analysis of the content of Belgrade, Zagreb, Ljubljana, Sarajevo, and Skoplje daily press to the adoption of the Regulation. The seventh chapter deals with foreign policy and internal political reverberations of restrictive regulations, the legal application of the regulation, and the social consequences of regulation. The final part of the dissertation includes verification and research results with analysis of the social consequences through the conducted expert interview and interview with contemporaries of events in 1940, with a view of the historical distance, discussion and closing remarks.sr
dc.publisherNiš : Univerzitet u Nišu, Pravni fakultetsr
dc.subjectNumerus clausus (uredba)sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Kraljevina Jugoslavijasr
dc.subjectantisemitizam - Kraljevina Jugoslavijasr
dc.subjectNumerus Clausus (regulation) Jewssr
dc.subjectJews - Kingdom of Yugoslaviasr
dc.subjectantisemitism - Kingdom of Yugoslaviasr
dc.subjectantisemitsko zakonodavstvo - Jugoslavija - 1939-1940sr
dc.subjectjevrejska zajednica - Istorija - Srbijasr
dc.subjecturedbe o ograničavanju prava Jevreja u Kraljevini Jugoslavijisr
dc.subjectanti-Semitic legislation - Yugoslavia - 1939-1940sr
dc.subjectJewish community - History - Serbiasr
dc.subjectDecrees on limiting the rights of Jews in the Kingdom of Yugoslaviasr
dc.titleNumerus clausus 1940.: uredbe o ograničavanju prava Jevreja u Kraljevini Jugoslaviji: doktorska disertacijasr
dc.titleNumerus clausus 1940: decrees limiting the rights of Jews in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia: Doctoral dissertationsr
dc.titleתקנהעלהגבלתזכויותיהםשליהודיםבממלכתיוגוסלביה 1940 קלאוזוסנומרוסsr
dc.description.otherTeza je u otvorenom pristupu pohranjena i u (the thesis is deposited in open access in) [https://nardus.mpn.gov.rs/handle/123456789/6326].sr



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