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The Subotica Synagogue is rediscovered
dc.description.abstractVlada Mađarske je 2014. godine 70. godišnjicu progona mađarskih Jevreja u koncentracione logore proglasila Godinom Holokausta. Prilikom donošenja te odluke vodilo ju je uverenje da Holokaust u Mađarskoj nije tragedija samo Jevreja već i nacionalna tragedija svih Mađara. U nizu sećanja u bogat program uvrstili su i program obnove sinagoga. U okviru ovog programa, osim više mađarskih, počele su se obnavljati sinagoge izvan Mađarske koje se nalaze u Karpatskoj niziji gde su živeli mađarski Jevreji. Među njima je i subotička Sinagoga. Po planu dvojice mađarskih arhitekata Marcela Komora i Dežea Jakaba zgradu su predali 1903., u vreme kada je jevrejska populacija u Subotici bila mnogobrojna. Zgradom je izgrađena u stilu mađarske secesije koja je bila popularna u to vreme. Sinagoga je danas u vlasništvu subotičke lokalne samouprave. Zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Vojvodine ju je 1975. godine proglasio kulturnim dobrom a 1989. godine UNESCO predložio da bude uvrštena na listu svetske kulturne baštine. Na žalost, zbog rata i raspada Jugoslavije taj proces je zaustavljen. Republika Srbija ju je 1990, godine uvrstila među spomenike kulture od izuzetnog znač
dc.description.abstractIn 2014, the Hungarian government declared the 70th anniversary of the deportation of Hungarian Jews to concentration camps as the Year of the Holocaust. When the government made that decision, they were guided by the belief that the Holocaust in Hungary was not only a tragedy for Jews but also a national tragedy for all Hungarians. In a series of commemorations in the rich program, they also included a synagogues renovation program. As part of this program, apart from several Hungarian synagogues, synagogues outside Hungary, located in the Carpathian Lowlands where Hungarian Jews lived, began to be renovated. Among them is the Subotica Synagogue. According to the plan of the two Hungarian architects Marsel Komor and Deže Jakab, the building was handed over in 1903, when the Jewish population in Subotica was numerous. The building was built in the Hungarian Art Nouveau style, which was popular then. Today, the synagogue is owned by the local government of Subotica. The Institute for the Protection of Cultural Monuments of Vojvodina declared it a cultural asset in 1975, and in 1989 UNESCO proposed that it be included in the list of world cultural heritage. Unfortunately, that process was stopped due to the war in former Yugoslavia. In 1990, the Republic of Serbia included it among the cultural monuments of exceptional
dc.publisherSubotica : Jevrejska opština?sr
dc.subjectSinagoga - Suboticasr
dc.subjectSynagogue - Suboticasr
dc.titleOtkriva se ponovo subotička sinagogasr
dc.titleThe Subotica Synagogue is rediscoveredsr



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