Prikaz osnovnih podataka o dokumentu

Report of the chief rabbi of Yugoslavia Dr. Isak Alkalaj on the events in Yugoslavia from the end of March to the end of June 1941

dc.creatorRistović, Milan
dc.identifier.issn0354-6497 (Online)
dc.description.abstractU leto i jesen 1941. godine Britanci i jugoslovenska vlada, s jedne, i grupa oficira Jugoslovenske vojske, s druge strane, pokušavali su da uspostave stalnu vezu. U to vreme, vesti iz Jugoslavije su bile retke, nepouzdane a njihovi nosioci begunci kojima je uspelo da napuste granice "Evropske tvrđave". Iz svedočanstava očevidaca, obojenih ličnim iskustvima, jugoslovenskoj vladi, koja se takođe našla u izbeglištvu i bila osuđena na oslanjanje u održavanju nesigurne veze sa zemljom na svoje britanske saveznike, njihove obaveštajne izvore ili osovinsku štampu, bilo je prvih meseci izbeglištva jedino na taj način moguće da dopuni sliku stanja koje je tamo vladalo. Izveštaji ili svedočenja jevrejskih izbeglica dostavljanih vladi posle dolaska u vezu sa nekim od preostalih jugoslovenskih poslanstava ili konzulata u neutralnim i savezničkim državama, sadržavali su i prve vesti o masovnim represalijama okupacionih vlasti i novih domaćih kolaboracionističkih režima prema civilnom stanovništvu. Tako je jugoslovenska vlada, a njenim posredstvom i druge savezničke vlade, veoma rano, mnogo pre nekih drugih savezničkih vlada, bila obaveštena i o merama uništenja jugoslovenskih Jevreja. Podaci o prilikama u Jugoslaviji sakupljani su organizovano od jevrejskih izbeglica pre svega, u Carigradu i Ankari, kao i u jugoslovenskom poslanstvu u Lisabonu. Do vlade je preko Turske u oktobru 1941. godine stigao i Memorandum episkopata Srpske pravoslavne crkve o ustaškim pokoljima srpskog življa u Nezavisnoj Državi Hrvatskoj, koji je bio podnesen nemačkom glavnom zapovedniku Srbije. Njega je u Carigrad iz Beograda doneo lekar Miloš Sekulić. Jedan od prvih i najopširnijih izveštaja o zbivanjima u Jugoslaviji prvih meseci okupacije upućen je vladi iz Ankare sredinom jula 1941. godine. Njegov autor bio je rabin dr Isak A. Alkalaj (Jichak Ben Avraham Alkalaj), duhovni vođ i jedna od najuglednijih ličnosti jugoslovenske jevrejske zajednice u Kraljevini
dc.description.abstractIn the summer and autumn of 1941, the British and the Yugoslav government, on the one hand, and a group of officers of the Yugoslav army, on the other, tried to establish a permanent connection. At that time, news from Yugoslavia was rare and unreliable, and their carriers were fugitives who managed to leave the borders of the "European Fortress". From the testimonies of eyewitnesses, colored by personal experiences, the Yugoslav government, which also found itself in exile and was condemned to rely on its British allies, their intelligence sources, or the Axis press in maintaining an insecure connection with the country, was the first months of exile only possible in that way to complete the picture of the situation that prevailed there. The reports or testimonies of Jewish refugees delivered to the government after their arrival in connection with some of the remaining Yugoslav embassies or consulates in neutral and allied countries contained the first news about the mass reprisals of the occupation authorities and the new domestic collaborationist regimes against the civilian population. Thus, the Yugoslav government, and through it, the other allied governments, was informed very early, much before some other allied governments, about the measures to destroy the Yugoslav Jews. Information about the situation in Yugoslavia was collected in an organized manner from Jewish refugees, first of all, in Constantinople and Ankara, as well as from the Yugoslav Embassy in Lisbon. The Memorandum of the Episcopate of the Serbian Orthodox Church on the Ustasha massacres of the Serbian population in the Independent State of Croatia, which was submitted to the German Commander-in-Chief of Serbia, reached the government through Turkey in October 1941. He was brought to Constantinople from Belgrade by the doctor Miloš Sekulić. One of the first and most extensive reports on the events in Yugoslavia during the first months of the occupation was sent to the government from Ankara in mid-July 1941. Its author was Rabbi Dr. Isaac A. Alkalaj (Yichak Ben Avraham Alkalaj), a spiritual leader and one of the most respected figures of the Yugoslav Jewish community in the Kingdom of
dc.publisherBeograd : Institut za noviju istoriju Srbijesr
dc.sourceTokovi istorijesr
dc.subjectJevreji - progonisr
dc.subjectJews - persecutionsr
dc.subjectJugoslavija - nemačka okupacijasr
dc.subjectYugoslavia - German occupationsr
dc.titleIzveštaj vrhovnog rabina Jugoslavije dr Isaka Alkalaja o događajima u Jugoslaviji od kraja marta do kraja juna 1941. godinesr
dc.titleReport of the chief rabbi of Yugoslavia Dr. Isak Alkalaj on the events in Yugoslavia from the end of March to the end of June 1941sr
dc.description.otherWeb stranica časopisa "Tokovi istorije" ("The journal Currents of History" website) [].sr



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