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Sefardska politika na Balkanu 1900-1940: doktorska disertacija

dc.creatorOparnica, Željka
dc.description.abstractThis thesis historicises Sephardi politics in the Balkans and examines why and how the idea of Sephardi diaspora became a political vehicle in the twentieth century. The Sephardim stem from the Jewish refugees expelled from the Iberian Peninsula in the late fifteenth century, who settled across the Mediterranean and remained connected through a common set of religious practices, mercantile networks, and language(s). For most of this diasporic history, the Sephardim shared culture but did not have the capacity to make political claims. The research focuses on the Balkans, where the ruptures of modern history mobilised the Sephardi diaspora as a political body for the first time between the 1900s and the late 1930s. Within this context is analysed how this Sephardi-centred politics presented significant challenges not only to empires and nation-states but also to the Jewish national movement and, finally, how the movement itself shaped these larger actors. The thesis explains how Sephardim gained political significance in local contexts during the 1910s and 1920s when Jewish and European politics were intertwined and mutually dependent. The politicisation of the Sephardi diaspora influenced greater political outcomes in two crucial moments for the Balkans just before and after the First World War. Moreover, the spokesmen of Sephardi politics had ardent and distinct responses to most movements of modern Jewish history: emancipation, Zionism and, socialism. The author explores how Sephardicentred politics challenged the substance and direction of Jewish intellectual debates. She emphasises how Sephardi politics opened space for minority politics within the Jewish national politics, but also within multinational, multi-ethnic societies, and specifically within the Austro-Hungarian empire and interwar Yugoslavia. In all of these ways, this work sheds light on minority movements as agents of social change and their unintended
dc.description.abstractOva teza istorizira sefardsku politiku na Balkanu i ispituje zašto i kako je ideja sefardske dijaspore postala političko sredstvo u dvadesetom veku. Sefardi potiču od jevrejskih izbeglica proteranih sa Pirinejskog poluostrva krajem petnaestog veka, koji su se naselili preko Mediterana i ostali povezani preko zajedničkog skupa verskih praksi, trgovačkih mreža i jezika(a). Istraživanje se fokusira na Balkan, gde su lomovi moderne istorije mobilisali sefardsku dijasporu kao političko telo po prvi put između 1900-ih i kasnih 1930-ih. U ovom kontekstu se analizira kako je ova politika usredsređena na Sefarde predstavljala značajne izazove ne samo za imperije i nacionalne države, već i za jevrejski nacionalni pokret i, konačno, kako je sam pokret oblikovao ove veće aktere. Teza objašnjava kako su Sefardi dobili politički značaj u lokalnim kontekstima tokom 1910-ih i 1920-ih kada su jevrejska i evropska politika bile isprepletene i međusobno zavisne. Politizacija sefardske dijaspore uticala je na veće političke ishode u dva ključna momenta za Balkan neposredno pre i posle Prvog svetskog rata. Štaviše, glasnogovornici sefardske politike imali su vatrene i jasne odgovore na većinu pokreta moderne jevrejske istorije: emancipaciju, cionizam i socijalizam. Autorka istražuje kako sefardicentrična politika dovodi u pitanje suštinu i pravac jevrejskih intelektualnih debata. Ističe kako je sefardska politika otvorila prostor za politiku manjina unutar jevrejske nacionalne politike, ali i unutar multinacionalnih, multietničkih društava, a posebno unutar Austrougarske imperije i međuratne Jugoslavije. Na sve ove načine, rad baca svetlo na manjinske pokrete kao nosioce društvenih promena i njihove nenamerne
dc.publisherLondon : Ž. Oparnicasr
dc.subjectSefardi - politikasr
dc.subjectSefardi - Balkansr
dc.subjectSefardi - dijasporasr
dc.subjectSephardi - politicssr
dc.subjectSephardi - Balkansr
dc.subjectSephardi - diasporasr
dc.subjectEsperansa (sefardska organizacija)sr
dc.subjectEsperanza (Sephardic organization)sr
dc.subjectjevrejsko-španski jeziksr
dc.subjectJudeo-Spanish languagesr
dc.subjectSefardi - cionizamsr
dc.subjectSephardim - Zionismsr
dc.titleSephardi politics in the Balkans 1900-1940: Doctoral dissertationsr
dc.titleSefardska politika na Balkanu 1900-1940: doktorska disertacijasr
dc.description.otherDepartment of History, Classics and Archaeology Birkbeck, University of London. Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, August
dc.description.otherDostupno i na: BIROn online repository []

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