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Fragments on the Holocaust in Belgrade

dc.creatorPisari, Milovan
dc.description.abstract1941. godine nacističke snage započele su proces masovnog istrebljenja Jevreja. U okupiranim teritorijama Sovjetskog Saveza Ajnsacgrupe podržane od strane Vermahta i kvislinških snaga ubile su preko miliona Jevreja, najviše u masovnim streljanjima. U istom periodu, u okupiranoj Srbiji, uvedene su mere odmazde zbog partizanske borbe po kojima će biti streljani skoro svi odrasli muški Jevreji. Streljanja su se odvijala u unapred određenim mestima. Muški Jevreji iz Beograda, kao i muški Jevreji iz Banata, internirani su u logor Topovske šupe na Autokomandi, i odvođeni na streljanja u velikim grupama uglavnom u Jabuku i Jajince. Ipak, streljanja su vršena i u manje poznatim mestima, kao što je, na primer, Rakovica. Zahvaljujući novim arhivskim dokumentima, moguće je rekonstruisati šta se na tim lokacijama
dc.description.abstractIn 1941 the Nazi forces started the process of mass extermination of Jews. In the occupied territories of the Soviet Union, the Einsatzgruppe supported by Wehrmacht and local quisling forces executed over one million Jews, mostly through mass executions before firing squads. During the same period, severe retaliation measures were introduced, responding to the Partisan liberation efforts, during which practically all adult male Jews were executed. Mass executions took place in predetermined locations. Male Jews from Belgrade, as well as male Jews from Banat, were interned at the Topovske šupe camp, located at the Autokomanda Square, and taken for mass executions in big groups mostly in Jabuka and Jajinci. Nevertheless, executions also happened in smaller places, for instance, Rakovica. Thanks to new archive documents, it is possible to reconstruct what was happening at those locations.en
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavije [Federation of Jewish Communitues in Jugoslavia]sr
dc.sourceZbornik 10 : Studije, arhivska i memoarska građa o Jevrejima Jugoslavije, Jevrejski istorijski muzej - Beograd = Jewish studies 10 : Studies, archival and memorial materials (about Yugoslav Jews), Jewish historical museum - Belgradesr
dc.subjectHolokaust - Beogradsr
dc.subjectJevreji - masovna streljanjasr
dc.subjectJewreji - mass executionssr
dc.titleFragmenti Holokausta u Beogradusr
dc.titleFragments on the Holocaust in Belgradeen
dcterms.abstractПисари, Милован; Фрагменти Холокауста у Београду; Фрагменти Холокауста у Београду;
dcterms.abstractПисари, Милован; Фрагменти Холокауста у Београду; Фрагменти Холокауста у Београду;
dc.rights.holderSavez jevrejskih opština Srbije = Federation of Jewish Communities of Serbiasr

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