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Jevrejski istorijski spomenici u Splitu

dc.creatorBezić, Nevenka
dc.description.abstractThe first mention of the Jewish Community of Split (Spalato) is made in some documents dating to the XIV century. In the list of properties of the Archbishop of Split from 1397, there is mention of the Synagogue named ''Sdorium". In the Archeological Museum of Split, there are several objects and stone monuments of Jewish origin, from which it is possible to determine that there were Jews living in this part of the world in the very early days of Roman Salona (Solin near Split). Towards the end of the XV century, the Jewish Community in Split was increased by the arrival of the Sephardic Jews from Spain and Portugal who were expelled upon refusal to be baptised. They were very soon assimilated by the Split Jews, but for the next two centuries they are referred to in various documents as "Ebrei Ponentini", to differentiate them from the older Split Jewry, which was referred to as the "Levantini". Daniel Rodriguez occupies a special place among the Jews of Split in the XVI century. In 1577 he proposed to the Venetian Senate to make Split the biggest port in the Balkans through which all the trade would flow into the interior. Throughout the period of the wars between Venice and the Ottoman Empire Jews were working for Venice and they especially distinguished themselves in defence of Split in 1657. In the Yugoslav national rebirth movement during the XIX century, an important role was played by Vid Morpurgo, a Jew of Split, who through his bookstore spread the idea of patriotism and was a founder of the First People's Bank of Dalmatia. Just before World War II, the Jewish Community in Split numbered 282 members. A good number of the Jews from Split took part in the Yugoslav National Liberation War against the fascist occupants and their collaborators. About 30 members of the Split Jewish Community gave their lives in this struggle. Today, two important monuments of the Jewish past exist in Split. One is the Synagogue in Židovski prolaz (Jewish Passage) and the other is the Cemetery at the top of first Mount
dc.description.abstractJevrejska opština Split (Spalato) se prvi put pominje u nekim dokumentima iz XIV veka. U popisu posjeda splitskog nadbiskupa iz 1397. godine pominje se sinagoga pod nazivom „Sdorium“. U Arheološkom muzeju Split nalazi se više predmeta i kamenih spomenika jevrejskog porijekla, iz kojih se može utvrditi da su Jevreji živeli u ovom delu sveta u ranim danima rimske Salone (Solin kod Splita). Krajem XV veka Jevrejska zajednica u Splitu je uvećana dolaskom Jevreja Sefarda iz Španije i Portugala koji su proterani nakon odbijanja da se pokrste. Ubrzo su ih asimilovali splitski Jevreji, ali se u naredna dva veka u raznim dokumentima pominju kao „Ebrei Ponentini“, da bi se razlikovali od ranijih splitskih Jevreja, koji su se pominjali kao "Levantini". Daniel Rodriguez je zauzimao posebno mesto među splitskim Jevrejima u XVI veku. 1577. predložio je mletačkom senatu da Split postane najveća luka na Balkanu preko koje će se odvijati sva trgovina, koja bi vodila i u unutrašnjost. Za vreme ratova između Venecije i Otomanskog carstva Jevreji su radili za Veneciju, a posebno su se istakli u odbrani Splita 1657. U jugoslovenskom nacionalnom preporodu tokom XIX veka, važnu ulogu je imao Vid Morpurgo, Jevrejin iz Splita, koji je preko svoje knjižare širio ideju partiotizma i bio osnivač Prve narodne banke Dalmacije. Pred Drugi svetski rat Jevrejska opština u Splitu brojala je 282 člana. Znatan broj Jevreja iz Splita učestvovao je u Narodnooslobodilačkom ratu Jugoslavije protiv fašističkih okupatora i njihovih saradnika. U ovoj borbi živote je dalo oko 30 pripadnika splitske Jevrejske opštine. U Splitu danas postoje dva važna spomenika jevrejske prošlosti. Jedna je sinagoga u Židovskom prolazu (Jevrejski prolaz), a druga groblje na vrhu prve Marijanske planinesr
dc.publisherBelgrade : Federation of Jewish Communities of Yugoslaviasr
dc.subjectJevreji - Splitsr
dc.subjectJews - split (Croatia)sr
dc.titleJewish historical monuments in Splitsr
dc.titleJevrejski istorijski spomenici u Splitusr

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