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The Jews and the making of the atomic bomb

dc.creatorLevi, Rahamim Raka
dc.description.abstractTokom Holokausta neki Jevreji su uspeli da emigriraju u SAD. Većina Jevreja nemačkih naučnika ostalo je bez posla, bez laboratorijskih objekata ili čak drzavljanstva. Morali su da traže utočište u drugim evropskim zemljama - kao npr. Engleskoj. Mnogi od njih su se nastanili u Sjedinjenim Državama. Sličnu sudbinu imali su i naučnici Jevreji u drugim srednjeevropskim zemljama koje je Nemačka okupirala - kao što je Austrija. Nekoliko ovih izbeglica bili su vrhunski svetski fizičari, a američka vlada je mnoge zaposlila da rade na Projektu Manhattan - vojnom istraživačkom projektu za izgradnju prve atomske bombe. Ove izbeglice su imale ključne uloge u uspehu projekta, uključujući Hansa Bethea, Lea Szilarda i Josepha Rotblata.sr
dc.description.abstractDuring the Holocaust, some Jews managed to immigrate to the USA. Most of the Jewish German scientists were left without jobs, laboratory facilities or even citizenship. They had to seek refuge in other European countries - such as England. Many of them settled in the United States. Jewish scientists in other Central European countries occupied by Germany - such as Austria - had a similar fate. Several of these refugees were the world's top physicists, and the US government employed many to work on the Manhattan Project - a military research project to build the first atomic bomb. These refugees played key roles in the success of the project, including Hans Bethe, Leo Szilard and Joseph Rothblatt.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : R. R. Levisr
dc.subjectJevreji - atomska bombasr
dc.subjectJews - atomic bombsr
dc.titleJevreji i stvaranje atomske bombesr
dc.titleThe Jews and the making of the atomic bombsr
dc.description.otherPredavanje održano 4. novembra 2022. godine preko Zoom platforme (Zoom Šabat) sa početkom u 19.30 časova.sr
dc.description.otherThe lecture was held on November 4, 2022, via the Zoom platform (Zoom Shabbat) starting at 7:30 p.m.



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