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Brothers by misfortune and greatness of spirit: about the friendship of the Serbian and Jewish people

dc.contributorJablanov, Ljubiša
dc.creatorAdašević, Stojan
dc.description.abstract"Autor ove knjige, inače lekar i humanista, ogorčen zbog laži, falsifikata istorije srpskog naroda, koji neopravdano demonizuju Srbe, a sve to radi opravdanja sopstvenih monstruoznih zločina, napisao je i dokumentovano izložio, kako autor sam kaže, istinu. Kao izuzetno obrazovan intelektualac rođen u Beogradu, on u svom poreklu ima i jevrejske krvi, što mu omogućava da duboko razume tragediju srpskog i jevrejskog naroda. Zato ova knjiga govori o sličnost sudbine srpskog i jevrejskog naroda. Ali da bi to približio čitaocima, autor nas u knjizi prvo upoznaje sa istorijom Jevreja, a potom nas eshatološki uvodi i u sudbinu srpskog naroda, njegovu istoriju, borbu za opstajanje, njegov odnos i vezu sa Biblijom, a samim time i Jevrejima. Knjiga govori i o prožetosti judeo-hrišćanske kulture i civilizacije..."sr
dc.description.abstract"The author of this book, doctor and humanist, outraged by the lies and falsifications of the history of the Serbian people, which unjustifiably demonize the Serbs, and all this in order to justify their own monstrous crimes, wrote and documented, as the author himself says, the truth. As an extremely well-educated intellectual born in Belgrade, he also has Jewish blood in his origin, which allows him to understand the tragedy of the Serbian and Jewish people deeply. That is why this book talks about the similarity of the fate of the Serbian and Jewish people. But in order to bring it closer to the readers, the author first introduces us in the book to the history of the Jews, and then eschatologically introduces us to the destiny of the Serbian people, its history, the struggle for survival, its relationship and connection with the Bible, and thus with the Jews. The book also talks about the permeation of Judeo-Christian culture and civilization..."sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Književno društvo prosvetnih radnika Srbijesr
dc.subjectJevreji - Srbisr
dc.subjectJews - Serbssr
dc.subjectSrbi - Jevrejisr
dc.subjectSerbs - Jewssr
dc.titleBraća po nesreći i veličini duha: o prijateljstvu srpskog i jevrejskog narodasr
dc.titleBrothers by misfortune and greatness of spirit: about the friendship of the Serbian and Jewish peoplesr



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