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On several undocumented victims of the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatia

dc.contributorTuleković, Tanja
dc.creatorDamjanović, Miloš M.
dc.identifier.issn2303-856X (Online)
dc.identifier.issn2303-744X (Print)
dc.description.abstractNa teritoriji satelitske nacističke tvorevine zvane Nezavisna Država Hrvatska od njenog nastanka 1941. godine pa sve do samog kraja Drugog svetskog rata 1945. godine zločinački ustaški režim aktivno je, sistematski i brutalno vršio genocid nad Srbima, Romima i Jevrejima. Masovno i plansko ubijanje Jevreja započeto je ubrzo po proglašenju ove marionetske Hitlerove države, čime je ustaški režim u Zagrebu zapravo bio prvi činilac u realizaciji „konačnog rešenja jevrejskog pitanja“ odnosno biološke eksterminacije Avramove dece, pre nego što su i sami njihovi ideološko-politički pokrovitelјi definitivno usvojili isti cilј na konferenciji nacističke vrhuške u Vanzeu 1942. godine. Holokaust koji se kontinuirano i nemilosrdno sprovodio na teritoriji NDH sve vreme njenog postojanja odneo je preko 30.000 života jugoslovenskih Jevreja. I posle punih 75 godina od prestanka lova i likvidacije Jevreja u NDH, uprkos upornim i pedantnim istraživanjima generacija istoričara, još uvek je nepoznat identitet mnogih žrtava. Na ovom mestu biće prezentovano više dosad neidentifikovanih jevrejskih lica koja su u životu dočekala osnivanje NDH ali čija je ratna sudbina nepoznata pa se nisu mogla naći ni na jednom od spiskova preživelih, nestalih ili ubijenih. Iako se bez čvrstog dokaza o vremenu okončanju njihovog života one ne mogu pouzdano svrstati u žrtve Holokausta, izlazak na svetlost dana ovih osoba može biti dobro polazište za dalјu potragu o njihovoj ratnoj sudbini i pouzdanom utvrđivanju njihove pripadnosti kategoriji žrtava ili preživelih Holokausta.sr
dc.description.abstractIn the territory of the satellite, Nazi creation called the Independent State of Croatia, and since its inception in 1941 up until the very end of the Second World War 1945, the criminal Ustasha regime had actively, systematically, and brutally committed genocide against Serbs, Roma, and Jews. The mass and planned killing of Jews began soon after the declaration of independence of this puppet, Hitler-controlled state, making the Ustasha regime in Zagreb the initial actor in implementing “the final solution to the Jewish question” - that is, the biological extermination of Abraham’s children. This occurred even prior to the ideological and political patrons of this goal ultimately declaring it officially at a Nazi leader conference of 1942 in Wannsee. The Holocaust, which was continuously and mercilessly implemented in the territory of the Independent State of Croatia throughout its existence resulted in the deaths of over 30,000 Yugoslav Jews. Even after a full 75 years since the cessation of the manhunt against and liquidation of Jews in the Independent State of Croatia, and despite persistent and meticulous research of generations of historians, the identities of many victims remain unknown. This paper will present multiple Jewish individuals unidentified until this point, who lived to witness the creation of the Independent State of Croatia, but whose wartime fate is still undiscovered. Thus, data on these people could not be found in any of the existing records of survivors, either missing or killed. Without firm proof of the exact time when their lives ended, they cannot be reliably placed among Holocaust victims. However, the discovery of these persons may be a good starting point for further examining their wartime fate and reliably determining whether they belong to the categories of Holocaust victims or survivors.sr
dc.publisherDemirovac : JU Spomen-područje Donja Gradinasr
dc.sourceTopola: časopis JU Spomen-područja Donja Gradinasr
dc.subjectHolokaust - Nezavisna Država Hrvatskasr
dc.subjectHolocaust - Independent State of Croatiasr
dc.titleO nekim nepopisanim žrtvama Holokausta sa prostora NDHsr
dc.titleOn several undocumented victims of the Holocaust in the Independent State of Croatiasr



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