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Diary: I forgive, I can't forget

dc.creatorKrndić, Ruža
dc.description.abstract"Negotin, palanka u Timočkoj Krajini, gde su ljudi širokog srca uvek spremni da pomognu. Tu, među Negotincima, svako ko je gonjen iz političkih, verskih, nacionalnih razlika došao da se skloni, naišao je na zaštitu i razumevanje. Nas Jevreja, pre rata, bilo je svega tri porodice. Kad je moj teča umro, u septembru 1940, nastala su teška vremena za moju tetku i mene. Za vreme okupacije 1941. godine, neizvesnost i strah nas progone, ali nismo bile same. Ipak, tetka je 1943. nastradala (logor u Jajincima), a ja sam se spasila. Zahvaljujući velikom srcu Negotinaca. Tek posle rata, kad sam otišla u Jajce i našla svoju mamu kod kuće, saznala sam šta se desilo s mojim ocem, braćom i mnogim članovima moje porodice iz Jajca, Sarajeva, Foče. Godine 1942, jedne večeri, iznenada, dođe moj najstariji brat Joži u Negotin. Nešto ga je mučilo, ali ništa neće da kaže. Tada je moj otac iz Jajca bio odveden u Jasenovac s moja dva brata, Vilijem i Dragom. Joži je to video, njemu je uspelo da se izvuče. Moj otac je bio poslovođa u fabrici hlora u Jajcu. Bio je vrlo popularan među radnicima. Kad je morao i on da nosi traku „Jude", išao je kroz fabriku, a prijatelji i kolege su mu govorili da skine tu sramotu: „Sram ih bilo šta oni to tebi rade". ,,Pa da, jeste sramota, ali ne moja. Oni nek se stide..."sr
dc.description.abstract"Negotin, a palanquin in the Timočka Krajina, where open-hearted people are always ready to help. There, among the people of Negotin, everyone who was persecuted due to political, religious, or national differences came to take refuge and found protection and understanding. We Jews, before the war, there were only three families. When my aunt died, in September 1940, difficult times came for my aunt and me. During the occupation in 1941, uncertainty and fear haunted us, but we were not alone. However, my aunt 1943, was killed (camp in Jajinci), and I was saved. Thanks to the great heart of the people of Negotin. It was only after the war when I went to Jajce and found my mother at home, that I found out what happened to my father, brothers and many members of my family from Jajce, Sarajevo, Foča. In 1942, one evening, suddenly, my oldest brother Joži came to Negotin. Something was bothering him, but he won't say anything. Then my father from Jajce was taken to Jasenovac with my two brothers, William and Drago. Joži saw it, he managed to get away. My father was a foreman at the chlorine factory in Jajce. He was very popular among the workers. When he also had to wear the "Jude" mark, he walked through the factory, and his friends and colleagues told him to remove that shame: "Shame on them, what they do to you." "Well, yes, it is a shame, but not mine. They should be ashamed..."sr
dc.publisherBeograd : R. Krndićsr
dc.subjectKrndić, Ruža (1920- ) - memoarisr
dc.subjectKrndić, Ruža (1920- ) - memoarssr
dc.titleDnevnik: opraštam, zaboraviti ne mogusr
dc.titleDiary: I forgive, I can't forgetsr
dc.rights.holderRuža Krndić

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