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Remembrance of war days

dc.contributorSimin, Magda
dc.contributorSimin, Nebojša
dc.creatorŠrajer, Imre
dc.description.abstract"Priču o ratnom putu mog deda ujaka Imre Šrajera, koga su svi u familiji zvali Baća, nisam čuo od njega, iako sam u Staroj Moravici provodio i leta i zime. Ta priča se u porodici mogla čuti jedino od moje majke Magde, i ponešto od Imreove druge žene Rozalije, koju su komšije zvale Rozi, a moja mati, kada se razgovor vodio na srpskom: Rozika. Mi unuci zvali smo je: Teta. Ta, u osnovi srpska imena: Baća i Teta, nadenuo im je moj otac, Živko, koji nije govorio mađarski. Od pre nekog vremena u familliji se stidljivo govorilo o tome da je Magda, svojevremeno, prevela Imreova sećanja iz rata sa mađarskog na srpski i da je napisala jedan relativno obiman propratni tekst, takođe na srpskom jeziku. Godinama sam tražio ta dva teksta i nisam mogao da ih nađem, iako su sve vreme bili kod mene. Jesam našao originalni tekst na mađarskom, ali ne i Magdin prevod..."sr
dc.description.abstract"I didn't hear the story about the war journey of my grandfather, uncle Imre Schreier, who everyone in the family called Baća, even though I spent summers and winters in Stara Moravica. That story could only be heard in the family from my mother Magda, and a little from Imre's second wife Rozalija, who the neighbours called Rozi, and my mother when the conversation was in Serbian - Rozika. Our grandchildren called her - Teta. Those, basically Serbian names - Baća and Teta, were given to them by my father, Živko, who did not speak Hungarian. Since some time ago, the family shyly talked about the fact that Magda, at one time, translated Imre's memories from the war from Hungarian into Serbian and that she wrote a relatively extensive accompanying text, also in Serbian. I looked for those two texts and couldn't find them, even though they were with me all the time. I did find the original text in Hungarian, but not Magda's translation..."sr
dc.publisherNovi Sad : Nebojša Siminsr
dc.subjectŠrajer, Imre (1905-1973) - biografijasr
dc.subjectŠrajer, Imre (1905-1973) - biographysr
dc.titleSećanje na ratne danesr
dc.titleRemembrance of war dayssr
dcterms.abstractШрајер, Имре; Сећање на ратне дане; Сећање на ратне дане;
dc.rights.holderNebojša Siminsr
dc.description.otherSećanje na Imru Šrajera koje je Slobodan Grozdanić uputio uredništvu "Politike" (str. 94-98).sr
dc.description.otherMemory of Imra Šrajer sent by Slobodan Grozdanić to the editors of "Politika" (pp. 94-98).



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