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Characters from the dramas of Danilo Kiš

dc.contributorČebašek, Aleksandra
dc.contributorBošković, Dragan
dc.creatorIlić, Teodora S.
dc.description.abstractOsnovni cilj rada bio je predstavljanje likova iz dramskih dela Danila Kiša. Korišćene drame su „Noć i magla“, prvi put objavljena 1968. godine, „Papagaj“ 1970. godine, kao i „Drveni sanduk Tomaša Vulfa“, pisan za televiziju. 1974. i na kraju „Mehanički lavovi“ iz 1980. Rad nastaje kao rezultat analize glavnih likova navedenih drama isključivo kroz sliku njihovog jevrejskog identiteta, Holokausta i posledica koje je imao na celokupno biće likova, formirajući tako biografiju u njihovu čast. Jasno je da većina Kišovih jevrejskih dramskih likova pati od psihičke traume nakon Holokausta i da većina žudi da sačuva svoje uspomene kroz sećanje. Rad je takođe rezultat istraživanja sprovedenog na kursu koji je bio deo Centra za studije sećanja.sr
dc.description.abstractThe main aim of the paper was the representation of characters found in the dramatic works of Danilo Kiš. The dramas used include "Night and Mist" (Noć i Magla), first published in 1968, "Parrot" (Papagaj) in 1970, as well as "The Wooden Coffin of Thomas Wolfe" (Drveni sanduk Tomasa Vulfa), written for television in 1974, and finally "Mechanical Lions" (Mehanički lavovi), from 1980. The paper comes as a result of analyzing the main characters of the aforementioned dramas solely through the image of their Jewish identity, the Holocaust and the aftermath the same had on the overall being of the characters, thus forming a biography in their honour. It is clear that most of Kiš's Jewish dramatic characters suffer from psychological trauma after the Holocaust and most are yearning to preserve their memories through remembrance. The paper is also the result of research conducted in the course which was part of a Center for the Studies of Remembrance.sr
dc.publisherKragujevac : Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.sourceNasleđe: časopis za književnost, jezik, umetnost i kulturusr
dc.subjectbiografija likasr
dc.subjectDanilo Kiš - književna analiza (literary analysis)sr
dc.subjectcharacter biographysr
dc.titleLikovi iz Kišovih dramasr
dc.titleCharacters from the dramas of Danilo Kišsr
dcterms.abstractИлић, Теодора С.; Ликови из Кишових драма; Ликови из Кишових драма;
dc.description.otherPod pokrovitelјstvom "Claims Conference ( Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany)", Centar za studije sećanja Univerziteta u Kragujevcu - čiji je osnivač i rukovodilac prof. dr Katarina Melić - akademske 2021/2022. godine je dalekosežno pokrenuo Studije Holokausta. Jedan od realizovanih kurseva, "Istražni diskurs u književnosti" (prof. dr Dragan Bošković) održan je u zimskom semestru akademske 2021/2022. godine, i problemski je bio usredsređen na stvaralački opus Danila Kiša. Osim preispitivanja karaktera i smisla istražnog diskursa - elementarnog mehanizma epistemologije, naracije i poetike - glavna intencija kursa bila je analitičko percipiranje literarnih predstava Holokausta i antisemitizma u Kišovom delu, a kao jedan od rezultata rada na kursu bio je prezentacija Kišovih junaka-žrtava Holokausta. Tako su polaznici kursa izdvojili junake (likove-žrtve) iz "Porodičnog cirkusa", "Grobnice za Borisa Davidoviča", Kišovih drama i televizijske emisije "Goli život". Ispitujući (ili: oblikujući) njihove identitete, studenti su posebnu pažnju posvetili antisemitističkom belegu na njima, kao i njihovim tragičnim stradanjima. Uočivši simboličnu važnost realizovanih prezentacija, koje oslikavaju žrtve Holokausta u Kišovom opusu, došlo se na ideju preinačavanja power-point prezentacija u formu tekstova, i to tekstova nalik „ličnim kartama”. U želјi da sagledamo posledice Holokausta, kao i da predstavimo identitete žrtava i da čujemo njihov glas, tekstovi koji slede predstavlјaju omaž mrtvima - onima koji tek mogu da budu mrtvi onda kada progovore kroz literaturu, kroz diskurs. Progovorom kroz literaturu i kroz ove tekstove, mrtvi se samopotvrđuju kao žrtve, a tako i kao „besmrtni”. Stoga, ovaj temat - "Spomen-muzej žrtava Holokausta u opusu Danila Kiša" - prilog je narativnom otelotvorenju Kišovih žrtava koje, kako bi to rekao Pol Riker, „vape za odmazdom i prizivaju priču”. Ovaj mali tematski blok je, dakle, njihova i naša „odmazda”, njihova i naša „priča”. Ovaj tekst je jedan od šest tekstova čiji su autori doktorandi Filološko-umetničkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Kragujevcu, i ovo su prvi tekstovi ovakvog tipa u celokupnoj istoriji kišologije. O likovima-žrtvama Holokausta dati su uvidi u formi taksativno navedenih biografskih informacija, dok je posebna pažnja posvećena antisemitizmu i to u odelјku svakog teksta, naslovlјenom: „Znakovi i posledice antisemitizma/Holokausta”.sr
dc.description.otherSponsored by "Claims Conference (Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany"), the Centre for the Study of Memory of the University of Kragujevac - whose founder and the head is prof. Katarina Melić, PhD, full professor - has, during the academic year of 2021/2022, issued forth the Holocaust Studies. One of the realized courses, "Investigative Discourse in Literature" (prof. Dragan Bošković, PhD, full professor) was held in the winter semester of the academic year of 2021/2022 and was focused on the creative work of Danilo Kiš through a problem-solving approach. Apart from re-examining the character and meaning of investigative discourse - the elementary mechanism of epistemology, narration and poetics - analytical perception of literary representations of the Holocaust and antisemitism in Kiš’s work represented the primary intention of the course, and one of the results of course activities was the presentation of Kiš’s characters-victims of the Holocaust. Thus, the attendees of the course sought to single out the heroes (characters-victims) from the "Family Circus", "A Tomb for Boris Davidovich", Kiš’s plays and the television show "Naked Life". Examining (or: shaping) their identities, the students paid special attention to the antisemitic mark on them, as well as their tragic sufferings. Having noticed the symbolic significance of the completed presentations, while concurrently depicting the victims of the Holocaust in Kiš’s oeuvre, there emerged an idea to transform power-point presentations into the form of manuscripts, and not just any, but manuscripts similar to “identity cards”. In order to appreciate the consequences of the Holocaust, as well as to present the identities of the victims and hear their voices, the following manuscripts represent a homage to the dead - to those who may be dead only after they have spoken through literature, through discourse. By speaking through literature and through these manuscripts, the dead assert themselves as victims, and thus as “immortals”. Therefore, this thematic issue - "The Memorial Museum of the Holocaust Victims in the Oeuvre of Danilo Kiš" - constitutes a contribution to the narrative embodiment of Kiš’s victims who, as Paul Ricoeur would say, “cry out for retribution and invoke a story”. This small-scale thematic issue is, hence, their and our “retribution”, their and our “story”. This is one of six manuscripts whose authors are PhD students at the Faculty of Philology and Arts, University of Kragujevac, and these are the first manuscripts of this type in the entire history of Kišology. Insights into the characters-victims of the Holocaust are provided in the form of exhaustive specifications of biographical information, paying special attention to antisemitism in a particular section of each manuscript, entitled: „Signs and Consequences of Antisemitism/Holocaust”.



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