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dc.creatorWerber, Ron
dc.description.abstractThis is the story of the late Itzhak Werber, son of Subotica and Novi Sad, who survived the Holocaust in Auschwitz-Birkenau, one of the founders of "Bericha Movement" in Europe after World War II ("Bericha" was an illegal movement that helped Jewish survivors of the Holocaust to fled from Europe after World War II to British Mandatory Palestine in violation of the White Paper of 1939. It ceased operations when Israel declared independence and annulled the White Paper). Itzhak Werber was a lieutenant in the IDF (Israel Defense Forces) during the Israeli War of Independence, a key activist in Operation "Magic Carpet" shortly after the Israeli War of Independence, and one of the founders of Israel's nuclear power plant in the Negev, and a political activist. His life is told and remembered by his son
dc.description.abstractOvo je priča o pokojnom Icaku Verberu, sinu Subotice i Novog Sada, koji je preživeo Holokaust u Aušvic-Birkenau, jednom od osnivača "Beriha" u Evropi posle Drugog svetskog rata ("Beriha" je bio ilegalni pokret koji je pomogao Jevrejima koji su preživeli Holokaust da pobegnu iz Evrope posle Drugog svetskog rata u britansku Mandatnu Palestinu kršeći Belu knjigu iz 1939. godine. Prestao je sa akcijama kada je Izrael proglasio nezavisnost i poništio Belu knjigu). Icak Verber je bio poručnik IDF (Israel Defense Forces) tokom rata za nezavisnost Izraela, ključnom aktivisti u operaciji "Magični tepih" ubrzo nakon rata za nezavisnost Izraela, jedan od osnivača izraelske nuklearne elektrane u Negevu, i politički aktivista. O njegovom životu priča i seća se njegov sin
dc.publisherBeograd : R. R. Levisr
dc.subjectIcak Verber - u sećanjimasr
dc.subjectItzhak Werber - in memoriessr
dc.titleSilent legacysr
dc.titleTiho nasleđesr
dcterms.abstractWербер, Рон; Тихо наслеђе; Тихо наслеђе;
dc.rights.holderJevrejska opština Beograd i Rahamim Raka Levi
dc.description.otherPredavanje održano 24. juna 2022. godine preko Zoom platforme (Zoom Šabat) sa početkom u 19.30 č
dc.description.otherThe lecture was held on June 24, 2022, via the Zoom platform (Zoom Shabbat) starting at 7:30 p.m.
dc.description.otherTrajanje 1:24:42 minuta (duration 1:24:42 minutes).
dc.description.otherYouTube link [].



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