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Traces of death in the novel "Project Lazarus" by Alexander Hemon

dc.contributorBošković, Dragan
dc.contributorNikolić, Časlav
dc.creatorČebašek, Aleksandra V.
dc.description.abstractRad se zasniva na konstituisanju i semantičkom raslojavanju motiva smrti u romanu Aleksandra Hemona "Projekat Lazarus". Uspostavlјa se društveno-kulturološki status Jevreja s početka 20. veka. U romanu se prepliću dva narativna toka: prvi tematizuje jevrejske imigrante početkom 20. veka, dok je tema drugog narativnog toka nastajanje prvog, odnosno Vladimir Brik, sto godina kasnije nastoji da istraži i zabeleži smrt Lazarusa služeći se tzv. mapiranjem, odnosno ponovnim posećivanjem mesta gde je Lazarus boravio. Stradanje i poetički svet romana "Projekat Lazarus" prepoznaju se u neprestanom dodelјivanju značenja dok je, zapravo, to svet uvek odgođenog značenja. Smrt Jevreja koji strada pod neočekivanim i još uvek neobjašnjenim okolnostima ostvaruje semantički potencijal kroz konstantno poigravanje centra i margine, hijerarhije i razlike, znaka i označenog, vere i sumnje, stabilnog i odgođenog. U romanu su prepoznate tendencije istoričnosti, identitet označen i prepoznat u smrti (kao mrtav) područje je bujanja semantičkog značenja/označ
dc.description.abstractThe paper is based on the constitution and semantic stratification of the motifs of death in Alexander Hemon's novel "Project Lazarus". The novel intertwines two narrative currents: the first one deals with Jewish immigrants at the beginning of the 20th century, while the theme of the second narrative is the emergence of the first, that is, Vladimir Brick, who a hundred years later tries to investigate and record the death of Lazarus using so-called mapping, that is, by revisiting the places where Lazarus resided. The intention is to discover the truth about the murder of the Jew, but in the end, it remains variable, arbitrary, and relative. The meaning of death, that is, the meaning of the murder of Lazarus Averbuch, was explored with the help of Saussure's distinction between the sign and the signified, although the signified was in a Derridean sense postponed and constantly supplemented with new meanings. The novel is a world of always delayed meaning, in which truth is incomprehensible. The death of a Jew who dies under unexpected circumstances is transformed into an assassination attempt. The victim thus becomes a murderer, and all the arguments that contribute to that are based on the social-ideological-ethical-religious context. Identity marked and recognized in death (as dead) is an area of flourishing semantic meaning/signification. The paper also deals with the establishment of the Lyotard schism, from which it will follow that the Jewish side had suffered injustice that cannot be proven. The semantic potential is realized through the play of centre and margin, hierarchy and difference, sign and signified, guilt and innocence, truth and lies, faith and doubt, stable and
dc.publisherKragujevac : Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.sourceSrpski jezik, književnost, umetnost: zbornik radova sa XV međunarodnog naučnog skupa održanog na Filološko-umetničkom fakultetu u Kragujevcu (30-31. X 2020). Knj. 2/2, Jevreji. Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.subjectodgođeno značenjesr
dc.subject"Projekat Lazarus"sr
dc.subjectAleksandar Hemonsr
dc.subjectdelayed meaningsr
dc.subject"Project Lazarus"sr
dc.subjectAlexander Hemonsr
dc.titleTragovima smrti u romanu Aleksandra Hemona "Projekat Lazarus"sr
dc.titleTraces of death in the novel "Project Lazarus" by Alexander Hemonsr
dcterms.abstractЧебашек, Aлександра В.; Траговима смрти у роману Aлександра Хемона "Пројекат Лазарус"; Траговима смрти у роману Aлександра Хемона "Пројекат Лазарус";
dc.description.otherIzdavanje ovog zbornika podržalo je Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike



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