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Suffering of Jews in the "Crveni krst" concentration camp in Niš (1941-1944)

dc.contributorBošković, Dragan
dc.contributorNikolić, Časlav
dc.creatorAntić, Dejan D.
dc.description.abstractDrugi svetski rat jedan je od najkrvavijih svetskih sukoba u istoriji čovečanstva. Oštrice ratnih dejstava i teških vremena nacističke okupacije u periodu od aprila 1941. do jeseni 1944. godine nisu zaobišle ni jug Srbije. Po uspostavlјanju kontrole nad ovom oblašću okupatorske vlasti su u Nišu formirale nacistički koncentracioni logor u kojem je stradao veliki broj Srba, Jevreja i Roma. Predmet našeg istraživanja jeste stradanje niških Jevreja u koncentracionom logoru na Crvenom krstu. Imajući u vidu postotak žrtava lagera Niš prema nacionalnosti, može se reći da članovi jevrejske zajednice nisu zaostajali za Srbima. Kako su Jevreji između dva rata na prostoru Srbije imali visok procenat zastuplјenosti u građanskoj eliti, to je njihov gubitak i najvidlјiviji. U radu će biti reči o jevrejskoj zajednici u Nišu, koncentracionom logoru Crveni krst, masovnim zločinima nacista u sektoru Felkomandanture 809, kao i o strelјanima, među kojima je bilo nekoliko jevrejskih lekara (dr Velizar Pijade i tadašnji predsednik jevrejske opštine Niš dr Borivoje Beraha), dva advokata, tri industrijalca (Moric i Čibi Nisim), rabin Avram Daniti i nekoliko glumaca iz familija Danon i
dc.description.abstractThe Second World War is one of the most violent world conflicts in the history of mankind. The impact of war and the difficulties that the Nazi occupation imposed between April 1941 and the autumn of 1944 did not exclude the southern parts of Serbia. After establishing control over this area, the occupation administration formed a Nazi concentration camp in Niš, where a large number of Serbs, Jews, and Romanies were executed. The topic of our research is the suffering of the Jews from Niš in the “Crveni krst” concentration camp. Having in mind the percentage of the victims in the concentration camp in Niš according to their nationality, it could be said that the members of the Jewish community were not far behind the Serbs in terms of losses. Seeing as how Jews between the two world wars made up a high percentage of the social elite, their losses were by far the most evident. This paper, based on relevant literature, archival materials, and the statements of the camp survivors, covers the topics of the Jewish community in Niš, the “Crveni krst” concentration camp, mass Nazi crimes in the Field Headquarters Sector 809, as well as the people executed at Bubanj, among whom were a few Jewish doctors (including Velizar Pijade and the president of the Jewish municipality at the time, Borivoje Beraha), two lawyers, three industrialists (including Moric and Čibi Ni- sim), rabbi Avram Daniti, and a few actors from the Danon and Daniti
dc.publisherKragujevac : Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.sourceSrpski jezik, književnost, umetnost: zbornik radova sa XV međunarodnog naučnog skupa održanog na Filološko-umetničkom fakultetu u Kragujevcu (30-31. X 2020). Knj. 2/1, Jevreji. Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.subjectDrugi svetski ratsr
dc.subjectJevreji - stradanje - Lager Nišsr
dc.subjectLager Nišsr
dc.subjectgrađanska elitasr
dc.subjectSecond World Warsr
dc.subjectJews - suffering - concentration camp in Nišsr
dc.subjectConcentration camp in Nišsr
dc.subjectsocial elitesr
dc.titleStradanјe niških Jevreja u koncentracionom logoru na Crvenom krstu (1941-1944)sr
dc.titleSuffering of Jews in the "Crveni krst" concentration camp in Niš (1941-1944)sr
dcterms.abstractAнтић, Дејан Д.; Stradanje niških Jevreja u koncentracionom logoru na Crvenom krstu (1941-1944);
dc.description.otherOvo istraživanje podržalo je Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije (Ugovor br. 451-03-9/2021-14/200165).sr



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