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Shoa/Holocaust - literary-cultural response

dc.contributorBošković, Dragan
dc.contributorNikolić, Časlav
dc.creatorKarić, Milica M.
dc.description.abstractCilј rada je da pokuša da sagleda sličnosti i razlike u načinima reprezentacije Holokausta kod Jevreja i pripadnika drugih naroda, u različitim kulturama: na Zapadu, u Izraelu, u Srbiji. Ovom zadatku ćemo pristupiti komparativnom metodom uz korišćenje relevantnih teorija koje se odnose na proučavanje samog događaja, ali i posledica koje i dalјe ostavlјa generacijama dece i unuka onih koji su preživeli. Zaklјučujemo da je potreba da se piše o ovoj temi podjednako prisutna i kod Jevreja i kod drugih naroda i da su različite vrste reprezentacije (dokumentaristička, umetnička, književna, tehnološka) neophodne kako bi se poruka „nikada više” prenela budućim generacijama.sr
dc.description.abstractAs the Holocaust represents the greatest event in the history of the 20th century, the greatest decay of humanity and civilization, people needed to find appropriate ways to confront that trauma apart from historical and documentary approaches. Various artistic forms emerged in popular culture and literature dealing with the Holocaust: novels, films, comics, music, photography. Representation started immediately as a part of survival and testimony. Those who were in camps and ghettos left behind various representations of everyday life and death in the belly of the mortal hell. Several questions emerged after the end of the war concerning the representation of the Holocaust: should it be represented, who has the right to represent it, what is the right form to write about it, what language to use, is imagination allowed besides factual truths etc. In this paper, we tried to step out of the canonical examples and present some controversial cases in Western literature such as J. Kosinski's and move to the second and third generation with D. Grosman and J. Yolen. We also touch upon Serbian representations of the Jewish Holocaust. Andrić's short stories and of the genocidal terror performed upon the Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia predominates in cinematic forms. Both Jewish and non-Jewish authors feel the necessity to talk about the atrocities because they represent the universal heritage which belongs to all of us who want to spread the message of ‘never again'.sr
dc.publisherKragujevac : Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.sourceSrpski jezik, književnost, umetnost: zbornik radova sa XV međunarodnog naučnog skupa održanog na Filološko-umetničkom fakultetu u Kragujevcu (30-31. X 2020). Knj. 2/1, Jevreji. Filološko-umetnički fakultetsr
dc.subjectHolokaust - traumasr
dc.subjectHolokaust - sećanjesr
dc.subjectHolokaust - reprezentacijasr
dc.subjectHolokaust - književnostsr
dc.subjectHolokaust - umetnostsr
dc.subjectHolocaust - traumasr
dc.subjectHolocaust - rememberingsr
dc.subjectHolocaust - representationsr
dc.subjectHolocaust - literaturesr
dc.subjectHolocaust - artsr
dc.titleŠoa/Holokaust: knјiževnokulturološki odgovorsr
dc.titleShoa/Holocaust - literary-cultural responsesr
dcterms.abstractКарић, Милица М.; Šoa/Holokaust: književnokulturološki odgovor;
dc.description.otherIzdavanje ovog zbornika podržalo je Ministarstvo prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije.sr
dc.description.otherOvaj rad je deo doktorske disertacije pod nazivom "Fikcionalizacija Holokausta u romanima Jeržija Kozinskog, Džejn Jolen i D. M. Tomasa" koja je u izradi.



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