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Rabbi Leopold Fischer

dc.creatorRačić, Nikola
dc.description.abstractRad se bavi istorijom Jevreja u severnobanatskom mestu Vršcu u periodu od 1716. do 1941. godine. Posebna pažnja posvećena je verskim aspektima ove prošlosti, uključujući dolazak prvih rabina i drugih verskih službenika i gradnju. sinagoge i škole. Tekst je najvećim delom posvećen rabinu Leopoldu Fišeru. U radu su izneti i značajni podaci o ličnom ugledu rabina, njihovom obrazovanju i uopšte o njihovom radu u domenu opšte kulture. Važna je napomena o uspostavljanju prijateljskih odnosa sa indijskim pesnikom Rabindranatom Tagoreom i njegovim pokušajima da pomogne evropskim Jevrejima nakon prvog pominjanja pretnji koje su se ispoljile nakon dolaska nacional-socijalista na vlast u Nemačkoj.sr
dc.description.abstractThe paper deals with the history of Jews in the north-Banat town of Vršac in the period from 1716 to 1941. Special attention was paid to the religious aspects of this past, including the arrival of the first rabbis and other religious officials and the building of the synagogue and school. The text is mostly dedicated to Rabbi Leopold Fischer The paper also presents significant information regarding the personal reputation of the rabbis, their education and generally their work in the domain of general culture. There is an important note on establishing friendly relations with the Indian poet Rabindranath Tagore, and his attempts to assist the European Jews after the first mention of threats that became manifest after the rise of the national-socialists to power in Germany.sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Savez jevrejskih opština Jugoslavijesr
dc.sourceZbornik 9 : Studije, arhivska i memoarska građa, Jevrejski istorijski muzej - Beograd = Jewish studies 9 : Studies, archival and memorial materials, Jewish historical museum - Belgradesr
dc.subjectJevreji - Vršacsr
dc.subjectJews - Vršacsr
dc.subjectFišer, Leopold (1886-1941), nadrabinsr
dc.subjectFischer, Leopold (1886-1941), senior rabbisr
dc.titleRabin Leopold Fišersr
dc.titleRabbi Leopold Fischersr
dcterms.abstractРачић, Никола; Рабин Леополд Фишер; Рабин Леополд Фишер; Рабби Леополд Фисцхер; Рабби Леополд Фисцхер;
dc.description.otherTekst o Leopoldu Fišeru je deo većeg članka Nikole Račića "Prilog istoriji vršačkih Jevreja" koji je objavljen u: Zbornik 9 : Studije, arhivska i memoarska građa - Jevrejski istorijski muzej", str. 89-126.sr
dc.description.otherThe text about Leopold Fischer is part of a larger article by Nikola Račić "Contribution to the History of the Jews of Vršac", which was published in: Proceedings 9: Studies, Archives and Memoirs - Jewish Historical Museum ", pp. 89-126.



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