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Jews in the history of Split

dc.contributorVekarić, Živko
dc.creatorKečkemet, Duško
dc.description.abstractOdluka da se napiše istorija Jevrejske zajednice u gradu Splitu podstaknuta je dvema činjenicama, odnosno važnom i pozitivnom ulogom Jevreja u prošlosti grada, i smanjenjem njihovog broja i nestajanjem starih tradicija, posebno u svetlu tragičnih događaja povezanih sa ludilom Drugog svetskog rata. Ove dve činjenice u potpunosti opravdavaju prikupljanje podataka koji su još dostupni i njihovo objavljivanje pre nego što bude prekasno. Nadamo se da će ovaj rad privući pažnju sa raznih strana, odnosno ne samo u regiji čiji je Split prirodno središte, s obzirom na to da je jevrejska zajednica u gradu kontinuirano prisutna već oko dve hiljade godina. i to, aktivno učestvujući u gradskim poslovima, posebno od 16. veka pa nadalje, ali i napretkom na društvenoj lestvici i osvajajući opšte priznanje. Uprkos malom broju, koji se kreće između 200 i 300 osoba, uloga jevrejske zajednice u daljoj i bližoj prošlosti grada bila je toliko značajna da se njena istorija uglavnom poklapa sa istorijom grada i obrnuto.sr
dc.description.abstractThe decision to write the history of the Jewish community in the city of Split was prompted by two facts, i.e. by the important and positive part played by the Jews in the city’s past, and by the dwindling of their number and vanishing of old traditions, particularly in the wake of the tragic events associated with the madness of World War II. These two facts fully justify the collection of the data still available and its publication before it is too late. We hope that the present paper will attract attention from various quarters, that is to say not only in the region of which Split is the natural centre, owing to the fact that a Jewish community has continuously been present in the city for about two thousand years and that, taking an active part in city affairs, particularly from the 16th century on, but they also climbed the social ladder, winning general appreciation. Despite their small number, ranging between 200 and 300 persons, the part playeđ by the Jewish community in the city’s distant and recent past was so significant that its history generally coincides with the history of the city and vice versa.sr
dc.publisherSplit : Židovska općina,sr
dc.subjectJevreji - Splitsr
dc.subjectJews - Splitsr
dc.titleŽidovi u povijesti Splitasr
dc.titleJews in the history of Splitsr
dcterms.abstractКечкемет, Душко; Жидови у повијести Сплита; Жидови у повијести Сплита;
dc.rights.holderŽidovska općina Splitsr
dc.description.other2. dopunjeno izdanje (2nd revised edition).sr



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