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Jews of Visoko

dc.contributorPulo, Mubera
dc.creatorMalić, Mirna
dc.identifier.issn2744-1377 (online)
dc.description.abstractU radu se ukazuje na doseljavanje i djelovanje Jevreja u Visokom u razdoblju od stoljeća i po, od kada se bilježi prvi spomen Jevreja na području Visokog i okoline, pa do odvođenja u koncentracione logore. Poznato je da su Jevreji u Visokom bili uključeni u sve sfere društvenog života i doprinosili kulturnom i privrednom napretku Visokog. Mora se uzeti u obzir to da je Drugi svjetski rat umnogome utjecao na oskudnost podataka i izvora o Jevrejima, jer njemačkom okupacijom i stvaranjem Nezavisne države Hrvatske (NDH) te provodenjem antisemitske politike sistematski su uništavani arhivi, izvori o Jevrejima, a oni su odvodeni u koncentracione logore i ubijani. Rad se zasniva na dosad neobjavljenoj arhivskoj građi Zavičajnog muzeja u Visokom koja nudi vrijedne podatke o životu i djelovanju Jevreja krajem XIX i početkom XX stoljeća. Pored toga, u radu se donose i najvažnija saznanja o poznatim jevrejskim porodicama i ličnostima koje su dale doprinosu razvoju Visokog. Veoma mali broj Jevreja preživio je Drugi svjetski rat i niko od preživjelih nije se vratio u
dc.description.abstractOver a period of one and a half centuries, from the first recorded mention of the Jews in Visoko and its surrounding areas to their deportation to concentration camps, they left their imprint on the development of economy and culture. Up-to-date information on the life and activities of Jewish families and individuals in Visoko are given on the basis of unprocessed archival material of the Regional Museum in Visoko, which covers the end of the 19th and the early decades of the 20th century. The Jewish population was involved in all aspects of life and had their own representative in local administrations. It is evident that the Jews in Visoko, were mostly merchants and owners of enterprises or their shareholders so the development of the economy was under their influence. There are no Jews in Visoko today. The few who survived the Holocaust did not continue to live here, but a number of monuments in the area of the town of Visoko and the records in the documents bear witness to the existence and contribution of the Jewish
dc.publisherVisoko : JU Zavičajni muzej - Visokosr
dc.sourceRadovi zavičajnog muzeja Visokosr
dc.subjectJevreji (Visoko)sr
dc.subjectJews (Visoko)sr
dc.titleJevreji Visokogsr
dc.titleJews of Visokosr
dcterms.abstractМалић, Мирна; Јевреји Високог; Јевреји Високог;
dc.rights.holderJU Zavičajni muzej - Visokosr
dc.citation.issueKnj. 1
dc.description.otherLink: [].sr

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