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Public identity of the Sephardic Jewish community in Sarajevo

dc.contributorPutnik, Vladana
dc.creatorRožman, Milica
dc.description.abstractJavni identitet sefardske zajednice u Sarajevu najbolje se može sagledati na primeru sakralnih objekata i spomenika funerarne kulture. Sefardski Jevreji su odmah nakon doseljavanja u Sarajevo izgradili svoj prvi sakralni objekat sinagogu Il Kal Grande. Sa društvenopolitičkim promenama u Sarajevu, sefardska zajednica postaje brojnija,otuda se u prvoj polovini XX veka podiže Nova sefardska sinagoga, u mavarskom stilu. Sa druge strane pored sakralnih objekata, javni identitet sefardskih Jevreja istican je i kroz spomenike funeralne kulture, o čemu svedoči Staro sefardsko gorblje, te se i na tom primeru može sagledati javni identitet sefardske zajednice, ali isto tako i društvenopolitičke promene kroz koje je proš
dc.description.abstractThe life of Sephardic Jews in Sarajevo can be seen in the period between the sixteenth and twentieth centuries. During this period the Sephardic community has gone through various socio-political changes, which influenced the creation of a public identity, that can be seen the best in the case of religious buildings and funerary monuments of culture. Immediately after their settlement in Sarajevo in the sixteenth century, Sephardic Jews built their first religious building - a synagogue Il Kal Grande. Over time, the number of Sephardic Jews increased, which contributed to raising less or slightly larger synagogues such as Beth Tefi, Il kal di Tia Maci Bohor, Il kal Nuevo and Il kal los di Mudus, all in the period from the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. The power of the Sephardic community was evident in the first half of the twentieth century when a new Sephardic synagogue in Moorish style was built. Stylistically, synagogue fitted the ambience of the city but had recorded the tendency of Jews to the quest for a national style. On the other hand, the Old Jewish graveyard testifies about creating a public identity of the Sephardic community in Sarajevo. This graveyard complex dates from the seventeenth century and two types of monuments can be seen there - older and younger, also a memorial entity that is related to the Holocaust. The socio-political stage and the Second World War affected the complete devastation of the Jewish population. It resulted in all Sephardic synagogues losing their original purpose and sacral character, but their very existence testifies to the centuries-old visual culture of Sephardic Jews. On the other hand, the old Sephardic cemetery has kept its original purpose and, undoubtedly, is one of the oldest cemeteries in the
dc.publisherBeograd : Odeljenje za istoriju umetnosti Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradusr
dc.sourceArtum: istorijsko-umetnički časopissr
dc.subjectSefardi (Sarajevo)sr
dc.subjectSephardim (Sarajevo)sr
dc.subjectsinagoga (Sarajevo)sr
dc.subjectsynagogue (Sarajevo)sr
dc.subjectgroblje, jevrejsko (Sarajevo)sr
dc.subjectJewish cemetery (Sarajevo)sr
dc.titleJavni identitet sefardske jevrejske zajednice u Sarajevusr
dc.titlePublic identity of the Sephardic Jewish community in Sarajevosr
dcterms.abstractРожман, Милица; Јавни идентитет сефардске јеврејске заједнице у Сарајеву; Јавни идентитет сефардске јеврејске заједнице у Сарајеву;



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