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Prelazak Jevrejki na islam na kraju otomanske ere (Salonika)

dc.contributorMakuljević, Nenad
dc.contributorPapo, Eliezer
dc.creatorHadar, Gila
dc.description.abstractMass Conversion of Christians and Jews to Islam was a common phenomenon in the early modern Ottoman Empire. Most researchers agree that the phenomenon of mass Islamization was due to religious persecution and political and economic pressure and that this phenomenon declined at the end of the eighteenth century. Alongside these mass conversions, thousands of free and slave Christian and Jewish women also converted to Islam within the entire area of the Ottoman Empire. Most of the studies are based on the Ottoman census records (tahrir defterleri), the sharia court record (sicill), and the Prime Ministry Ottoman Archives in Istanbul (BOA)...sr
dc.description.abstractMasovno prevođenje hrišćana i Jevreja u islam bilo je uobičajena pojava u ranom modernom Osmanskom carstvu. Većina istraživača se slaže da je fenomen masovne islamizacije bio posledica verskog progona i političkog i ekonomskog pritiska i da je ovaj fenomen opao krajem osamnaestog veka. Pored ovih masovnih preobraćenja, hiljade slobodnih i zarobljenih hrišćanki i jevrejki su takođe prešle na islam na čitavom području Osmanskog carstva. Većina studija je zasnovana na otomanskim popisima (tahrir defterleri), šerijatskim sudskim zapisima (sicill) i Osmanskom arhivu u Istanbulu (BOA)...sr
dc.publisherBeer-Sheva : Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culturesr
dc.sourceEl prezente : studies in Sephardic culture. Vol. 7 = Menorah : collection of papers. Vol. 3 [Common culture and particular identities: Christians, Jews and Muslims in the Ottoman Balkans = Zajednička kultura i pojedinačni identiteti: hrišćani, Jevreji i muslimani na osmanskom Balkanu]sr
dc.subjectislamizacija - Osmansko carstvosr
dc.subjectIslamization - Ottoman Empiresr
dc.subjectJevrejke - konverzija u islamsr
dc.subjectJewish women - conversion to Islamsr
dc.titleJewish women’s conversion to Islam in the end of the Ottoman era (Salonica)sr
dc.titlePrelazak Jevrejki na islam na kraju otomanske ere (Salonika)sr
dcterms.abstractХадар, Гила; Прелазак Јеврејки на ислам на крају отоманске ере (Салоника); Прелазак Јеврејки на ислам на крају отоманске ере (Салоника);
dc.rights.holderMoshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer-Sheva Israelsr
dc.description.otherOvo zajedničko izdanje "El Prezente - Studije o sefardskoj kulturi" i "Menora - Zbornik radova" je još jedan plod višestruke akademske saradnje između Univerziteta Ben-Gurion, Centra za ladino kulturu "Moše David Gaon" i Odeljenja za istoriju umetnosti na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu (this joint issue of "El Prezente - Studies in Sephardic Culture" and "Menorah - Collection of Papers" is yet another a fruit of the multifaceted academic cooperation between Ben-Gurion University, Moshe David Gaon Center for Ladino Culture, and the Department of History of Art at Belgrade University's Faculty of Philosophy).sr
dc.description.otherVećina članaka u ovom broju prvobitno je prezentovana na međunarodnoj konferenciji "Zajednička kultura i pojedinačni identiteti: hrišćani, Jevreji i muslimani na osmanskom Balkanu“, koju su 2011. godine organizovale ove dve institucije u Beogradu (most of the articles in this issue were originally presented at the international conference "Common Culture and Particular Identities: Christians, Jews and Muslims on the Ottoman Balkans", organized in 2011 by these two institutions in Belgrade).



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