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Collection of amulets of the Jewish Historical Museum

dc.contributorRajner, Mirjam
dc.contributorKlajn, Rudolf
dc.contributorPapo, Eliezer
dc.creatorDautović, Vuk
dc.description.abstract"Jezgro današnje muzejske zbirke konstituisano je posredstvom legata Hinka Lederera. Među raznolikim predmetima koje je priložio, pominju se i amuleti od zlata, srebra i drugih metala, koji su bili izloženi u Jevrejskom istorijskom muzeju, na otvaranju memorijalne sobe posvećene kolekcionaru. Potom u habilitacionom radu iz 1978. godine izvršena je katalogizacija i unos kolekcije. Tom prilikom, među predmetima svrstanim pod primenjenu umetnost, od rednog broja 35. do rednog broja 48. pomenuti su amuleti od srebra i zlata, zatim od br. 50 do br. 55 nalaze se geme od poludragog kamena, metala i ahata, što čini ukupno dvadeset amuleta. Ovoj zbirci pridruženo je još pet, među njima i Jemenski kutub sa svitkom na pergamentu u unutrašnjosti, kao i tri druga kutuba i jedan mali jad. Ovi predmeti čine zbirku amuleta Jevrejskog istorijskog muzeja..."sr
dc.description.abstract"The core of today's museum collection was constituted through the legacy of Hinko Lederer. Among the various items he donated are amulets made of gold, silver and other metals, which were exhibited at the Jewish History Museum at the opening of a memorial room dedicated to the collector. Then, in the habilitation work from 1978, the cataloguing and entry of the collection were performed. On that occasion, among the items classified as applied art, from number 35 to number 48, amulets made of silver and gold were mentioned, then from no. 50 to no. 55 there are gems of semi-precious stone, metal and agate, making a total of twenty amulets. This collection is joined by five more, among them the Yemeni Qutub with a scroll on parchment in the interior, as well as three other Qutubs and a small Torah pointer. These objects make up the collection of amulets of the Jewish Historical Museum ... "sr
dc.publisherBeograd : Filozofski fakultetsr
dc.sourceMenora: radovi radionice "Jevrejska umetnost i tradicija"sr
dc.subjectamuleti - Jevrejski istorijski muzej (Beograd)sr
dc.subjectamulets - Jewish Historical Museum (Belgrade)sr
dc.titleZbirka amuleta Jevrejskog istorijskog muzejasr
dc.titleCollection of amulets of the Jewish Historical Museumsr
dcterms.abstractДаутовић, Вук; Збирка амулета Јеврејског историјског музеја; Збирка амулета Јеврејског историјског музеја;



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