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Anti-Semitism in modern conspiracy theories

dc.creatorKostić, Mijat
dc.description.abstractNasuprot očekivanjima da će antisemitske ideje ostati na groblju istorije nakon pada Trećeg rajha, one preživljavaju i do današnjeg dana, u skoro neizmenjenom obliku. Antisemitizam je postao neizostavni deo savremenog političkog diskursa krajnje desnice i služi kao sredstvo diskredirovanja političkih protivnika i marginalizacije određenih društvenih grupa. Centralni motiv predavanja je analiza antisemitskih motiva, koji se pojavljuju u savremenim teorijama zavere, koje šire Alt-right organizacije u Evropi i Americi. Ova analiza obuhvata vremenski okvir od početka migrantske krize 2015. godine, preko predsedničkih kampanja Donalda Trampa 2016. i 2020. godine, do izbijanja svetske pandemije COVID-19 virusa. Glavni fokus biće na analizi diskursa i identifikovanju političkih motiva i namera koje stoje iza teorija zavere vezanih za migrantsku krizu, teorije o "Velikoj zameni", teorije o "Soroševom planu", kao i političke eshatologije QAnon
dc.description.abstractContrary to expectations that anti-Semitic ideas will remain in the graveyard of history after the fall of the Third Reich, they survive to this day, in an almost unchanged form. Anti-Semitism has become an indispensable part of the contemporary political discourse of the far-right and serves as a means of discrediting political opponents and marginalizing certain social groups. The central motive of the lecture is the analysis of anti-Semitic motives, which appear in contemporary conspiracy theories, which are spread by Alt-right organizations in Europe and America. This analysis covers the time frame from the beginning of the migrant crisis in 2015, through the presidential campaigns of Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020, to the outbreak of the global pandemic of the COVID-19 virus. The main focus will be on analyzing discourse and identifying the political motives and intentions behind conspiracy theories related to the migrant crisis, the "Great Exchange" theory, the "Soros Plan" theory, and the political eschatology of the QAnon
dc.publisherBeograd : Haver Srbijasr
dc.subjectteorije zaveresr
dc.subjectconspiracy theoriessr
dc.titleAntisemitizam u savremenim teorijama zaveresr
dc.titleAnti-Semitism in modern conspiracy theoriessr
dcterms.abstractКостић, Мијат; Aнтисемитизам у савременим теоријама завере; Aнтисемитизам у савременим теоријама завере;
dc.rights.holderHaver Srbijasr
dc.description.otherPredavanje održano 24. januara 2022. godine preko Zoom platforme sa početkom u 19 časova, povodom obeležavanja Međunarodnog dana sećanja na žrtve Holokausta (the lecture was held on January 24, 2022 via the Zoom platform starting at 7 p.m. regarding the International Holocaust Remembrance Day).sr
dc.description.otherTrajanje 1:40:00 minuta (duration 1:40:00 minutes).
dc.description.otherYouTube link []



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